90 Agitprop on Gab - nuked (media.conspiracies.win) posted 2 years ago by Mad_King_Kalak 2 years ago by Mad_King_Kalak +91 / -1 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Yeah. This place got hit HARD by pro russian propaganda/bots.
So much for gab being free speech.
Now anything they don't like will be called bots or shills, just like everywhere else.
Pretty sure when the CEO of Gab calls them bots, they are bots. Here, you're sus as well.
And it's Kiev.
last I heard It was actually russia
What was actually Russia?
Week old handshake account named after fake news propaganda with all downovted comments. You glow so hard I need sunglasses to look in your general direction
lmao probably both. fucking secret squirrels
Oy vey, there's no money investing in a losing side, but plenty when they're both still fighting for 100 years!
CIA was founded by Sabbatean-Frankists and Jesuits, so against Russia-Chabad/BRICS.
no here we call things by their name