The only difference in freedom between the US, Russia, and China is that you can drink on the streets while living in the latter two.
Really not. In Russia you will be fined if caught with alcohol (including beer) in the "public place" with exclusion of restaraunts and cafes. And even paper bag will not save you.
Fine is not large, but the whole process of arrest and delivery to police station for paperwork will destroy your day completely.
There are rumors that some people got fines by mail being catched on surveillance cameras, but I doubt it, since drinking non-alcoholic beverages on streets, in parks and other public places is not limited yet and hardly camera resolution allow to see if it is a beer of lemonade.
"public place" is defined as a non-private place where other people have free access. Theoretically even forests and mountains fall under that definition.
Потребление (распитие) алкогольной продукции в местах, запрещенных федеральным законом, - влечет наложение административного штрафа в размере от пятисот до одной тысячи пятисот рублей.
drinking alcohol in places prohibited by federal law will be fined from 500 to 1500 RUR.
Places defined in federal law N 487-ФЗ from Dec 30 2021.
Не допускается потребление (распитие) алкогольной продукции в местах, указанных в подпунктах 1 - 9 пункта 2 настоящей статьи, в других общественных местах, в том числе во дворах, в подъездах, на лестницах, лестничных площадках, в лифтах жилых домов, на детских площадках, в зонах рекреационного назначения (в границах территорий, занятых городскими лесами, скверами, парками, городскими садами, прудами, озерами, водохранилищами, пляжами, в границах иных территорий, используемых и предназначенных для отдыха, туризма, занятий физической культурой и спортом)
Drinking of alcohol is prohibited in places listed in subsections 1-9 of section 2 of current article, and in other public places, including ....
Steet is just one of many "other public places".
Being younger had few arrests and fines for exactly drinking alcohol on the street. :)
Really not. In Russia you will be fined if caught with alcohol (including beer) in the "public place" with exclusion of restaraunts and cafes. And even paper bag will not save you.
Fine is not large, but the whole process of arrest and delivery to police station for paperwork will destroy your day completely.
There are rumors that some people got fines by mail being catched on surveillance cameras, but I doubt it, since drinking non-alcoholic beverages on streets, in parks and other public places is not limited yet and hardly camera resolution allow to see if it is a beer of lemonade.
Street is also a "public place", suddenly. :)
"public place" is defined as a non-private place where other people have free access. Theoretically even forests and mountains fall under that definition.
That is not what in КОАП 20.20 written.
Places defined in federal law N 487-ФЗ from Dec 30 2021.
Steet is just one of many "other public places".
Being younger had few arrests and fines for exactly drinking alcohol on the street. :)
Actually I never visited US because US embassy denied my visa application.