moral enhancement comes to mind. they always want perfect slaves = golems = goyim = cattle = pets
related: Worst Fears Realized: Pfizer mRNA Integrates into your DNA (it was a lie that RNA has no effect on DNA. it is established in biology, that DNA and RNA have a bidirectional relation. only proteins have no effect on RNA.)
i mean, people must be "morally good" to take the vaxx in the first place, but i would not be surprised if that gene modification ("gain of function") would alter brain chemistry for higher agreeableness = easy to influence by peer pressure
maybe also reduce testosterone/adrenaline levels ("adrenal fatigue", weakness), and/or increase estrogen/oxytocin levels, to make people more defensive, passive, submissive, feminine, victim mentality, betas, followers (side effect: disruptions in menstrual cycle)
shoot first, ask later
background on morality: these people hate natural order, bioconservatism ("nature knows best" = "god is good"), true balance, true justice, true diversity ... instead of saying "both are right", they say "socialists good + capitalists bad", "altruists good + egoists bad", "collectivists good + individualists bad", etc etc.
i guess this difference "type 4 versus type 1" is related to dyadic cognition versus triadic cognition. socialist leaders (type 4) have only "dyadic cognition", they see the world black-white, so they always must take an extreme position. these people are "natural extremists", switching from one extreme directly to the opposite extreme, no middle ground.
compare this to capitalist leaders (type 1) (this is my type): these have "triadic cognition", so they naturally have a "centrist" world view. (via recursion, triadic cognition gives access to infinite complexity, but the key difference is dyadic versus triadic) (this also appears in the triune brain theory: dyadic cognition = lizard brain = ruled by the brain stem / gut feeling. triadic cognition = mammal brain = ruled by the brain cortex)
another effect of "dyadic cognition" is bad taste. take for example techno music (and i mean "unmelodic techno music", not beautiful stuff like this or this). or the ugliest metal rock music. or psytrance. these are all very "unaesthetic" forms of art, but the dyadic types cannot judge beauty or aestheticics, instead, they judge by "rational" criteria = "smart lyrics" or "this track reminds me of that time in my life" (long-term memory has positive charge, good conscious + bad feelings)
etc etc. if you get what i mean, please check out my project whoaremyfriends (most people are overloaded by this level of abstraction. the topic is extremely broad and general, its literally a "world formula", so that no one feels responsible ...)
Facist is now pronounced Vacist.
Interesting stuff.
The namespace is the battlespace.