Your concern is valid however due to the nature of his reporting and the depths he needs to go to in order to secure his site, any link saved or anyone trying to go back to his named page may find that it's never updated. The IP is the recommended door He wishes people to go through.
His name is Jim Stone. Goes by Jim Stone Freelance. I guarantee the IP is safe. You do know when you goto any website an exchange service changes the name into the IP and takes you there right? So again, no worries about IP. It's not his personal IP for say his laptop. It's his website. Anyways, enjoy it. He does real reporting.
Yes, you can get there by using the web address you listed. However, if your computer caches the website, the next time you go it may not look updated, you may have to go there by using the direct IP.
There's a good write up on his explaining why this is, how he set things up, and how to get the new posts in case of computer fuckery.
Is that an IP address? If so, that should not be here.
Your concern is valid however due to the nature of his reporting and the depths he needs to go to in order to secure his site, any link saved or anyone trying to go back to his named page may find that it's never updated. The IP is the recommended door He wishes people to go through.
His name is Jim Stone. Goes by Jim Stone Freelance. I guarantee the IP is safe. You do know when you goto any website an exchange service changes the name into the IP and takes you there right? So again, no worries about IP. It's not his personal IP for say his laptop. It's his website. Anyways, enjoy it. He does real reporting.
Carry On
Thank you for clarifying. You should have written it as
This guy's website doesn't even work with TLS. You can get there with
Yes, you can get there by using the web address you listed. However, if your computer caches the website, the next time you go it may not look updated, you may have to go there by using the direct IP.
There's a good write up on his explaining why this is, how he set things up, and how to get the new posts in case of computer fuckery.