RO (reverse osmosis) water filters. They install near your faucet, starting around a hundred bucks to the more fancy expensive ones that re-add minerals, you can find em online. Easy to maintain too, only need to service once every couple of years.
They're quite common in less developed countries with dirty water supplies but a sizeable middle class that doesn't want that shit unfiltered. Works for fluoride too.
Don't use the cheap charcoal filter faucet attachment and jugs, they don't get fluoride.
RO (reverse osmosis) water filters. They install near your faucet, starting around a hundred bucks to the more fancy expensive ones that re-add minerals, you can find em online. Easy to maintain too, only need to service once every couple of years.
They're quite common in less developed countries with dirty water supplies but a sizeable middle class that doesn't want that shit unfiltered. Works for fluoride too.
Don't use the cheap charcoal filter faucet attachment and jugs, they don't get fluoride.
Thanks brother ill look for it.