Yep he was friends with the Clintons for years, it's not just one photo. And of course he made zero efforts to 'lock her up,' despite all the hype. Instead he pushed a massive corporate tax break and gave billions of your dollars to big pharma, spear headed the vaccine, and allowed the first lockdowns to roll out without a fuss. Because he was supposedly a republican, the rural republicans trusted him enough to not get their shotguns out and piss a fit over it. If someone like Obama had tried to do the same thing, there could have been a civil war coming out of the rural areas.
Yep he was friends with the Clintons for years, it's not just one photo. And of course he made zero efforts to 'lock her up,' despite all the hype. Instead he pushed a massive corporate tax break and gave billions of your dollars to big pharma, spear headed the vaccine, and allowed the first lockdowns to roll out without a fuss. Because he was supposedly a republican, the rural republicans trusted him enough to not get their shotguns out and piss a fit over it. If someone like Obama had tried to do the same thing, there could have been a civil war coming out of the rural areas.