Growing up protestant in an area with zero Jewish people, what comes to mind is a lawyer, an accountant, some guys in black in brooklyn with long curls. I think Larry David, Netanyahu, and two different kinds of funny hats. But why?
From everything iv researched over the past few years it seems that the modern day label "Jew" is a blanket term for a lot of religiously semitic tribes of jews that most of which have ancient origins (think Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Gnosticism, jewish gematria is ancient, etc) and they all believe different retarted stuff that isnt real some even satanic, but I think the general truther consensus is:
Real jews are either: pedo satanic freaks at the worst, and harmless dorky religious larpers at best, and everything in between.
I think this is why the Elites claim to be mostly jews. Its a proxy for their more accurate faith which seems to all be saturn worship / astrology shit.
Growing up protestant in an area with zero Jewish people, what comes to mind is a lawyer, an accountant, some guys in black in brooklyn with long curls. I think Larry David, Netanyahu, and two different kinds of funny hats. But why?
From everything iv researched over the past few years it seems that the modern day label "Jew" is a blanket term for a lot of religiously semitic tribes of jews that most of which have ancient origins (think Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Gnosticism, jewish gematria is ancient, etc) and they all believe different retarted stuff that isnt real some even satanic, but I think the general truther consensus is:
Real jews are either: pedo satanic freaks at the worst, and harmless dorky religious larpers at best, and everything in between.
I think this is why the Elites claim to be mostly jews. Its a proxy for their more accurate faith which seems to all be saturn worship / astrology shit.
Thats what i keep coming to for (((them)))