When one reviews the attacks of various forms on non-Israel nuclear development, it ALL references back to Israel and hence Mossad operations. The uranium centrifuge cyber attacks that destroyed separators; the murders of non-Israeli mideastern physicists, the murder of an investigator tracing illegal shipments of nuclear materials out of a Houston port to Israel, during the first Bush presidency. The Fukushima disaster has been linked to Japan's refusal to process nuclear material for Israel, the Israelis planted an underwater nuke to cause the Fukushima tsunami, and they detonated concealed explosives in the nuclear facility. Japan's 9/11 in a way, similar to Israel's set up of America's 9/11. Their motto, By deception shall thou do war.
I think the best chance of peace in the middle east might be if everybody had nukes and thus no one would dare to use theirs. Mutually Assured Destruction. However the psycho Netanyahu insisted that Israel always be the top dog so many missions were in his long era.
I note that to this day Israel holds a nuclear sword over America's head via its secret stocks of nukes near large American cities or even in their embassies. Our presidents have been well aware of the blackmail. The greatest threat to world peace is the Rothschilds, and the second largest is Israel.
"The Fukushima disaster has been linked to Japan's refusal to process nuclear material for Israel, the Israelis planted an underwater nuke to cause the Fukushima tsunami, and they detonated concealed explosives in the nuclear facility. "
I am extremely skeptical of this claim, but would like to know more.
When one reviews the attacks of various forms on non-Israel nuclear development, it ALL references back to Israel and hence Mossad operations. The uranium centrifuge cyber attacks that destroyed separators; the murders of non-Israeli mideastern physicists, the murder of an investigator tracing illegal shipments of nuclear materials out of a Houston port to Israel, during the first Bush presidency. The Fukushima disaster has been linked to Japan's refusal to process nuclear material for Israel, the Israelis planted an underwater nuke to cause the Fukushima tsunami, and they detonated concealed explosives in the nuclear facility. Japan's 9/11 in a way, similar to Israel's set up of America's 9/11. Their motto, By deception shall thou do war.
I think the best chance of peace in the middle east might be if everybody had nukes and thus no one would dare to use theirs. Mutually Assured Destruction. However the psycho Netanyahu insisted that Israel always be the top dog so many missions were in his long era.
I note that to this day Israel holds a nuclear sword over America's head via its secret stocks of nukes near large American cities or even in their embassies. Our presidents have been well aware of the blackmail. The greatest threat to world peace is the Rothschilds, and the second largest is Israel.
"The Fukushima disaster has been linked to Japan's refusal to process nuclear material for Israel, the Israelis planted an underwater nuke to cause the Fukushima tsunami, and they detonated concealed explosives in the nuclear facility. "
I am extremely skeptical of this claim, but would like to know more.
"Yes, hi, Michael Bay? I have your next film idea."