There's no major coverage yet, people in the far left are calling these terrorists instead of heroes, and in Hong Kong, Israel, Japan and NZ you're still fucked.
because we've been redpilling normie tards and are reaching a critical mass of former braindead npcs. They see everyone is still sick even if you had the vaxx. Everyone knows someone young that died of heartfailing. It's getting too much to pretend they can't notice anymore
Why are anti-mandate protests gaining coverage all of a sudden?
a) PROTEST', verb intransitive [Latin protestor; pro and testor, to affirm it.] aka affirmation of suggested narrative.
b) NEWS implies North;East;West;South coverage; hence control of the whole suggested narrative.
c) those who suggest have the control over those who consent to want (pro) or not want (anti) the suggested.
d) the few suggest (mandate); the many consent to want (pro-mandate) or not want (anti-mandate) it; which causes the conflict of reason (want vs not want) among the many aka division (reason) by suggestion (mandate).
e) as for all of a sudden...the suggested narrative (coronavirus) is constant; which is what allows the reasoning within (pro vs anti) to fluctuate at will by the suggesting few.
people bought into
Choice (suggestion) to choice (consent to want or not want) contract law in ignorance of choice responding to balance (need/want) natural law.
pissed at the establishment
Ment; form mens - "mind". The established mind (establishment) by controlling the mind (government) of others implies the aforementioned choice to choice contract law. The suggestion represents voting; which when consented to causes a) the want vs not want conflict of reason; disguised as the party system of politics, and b) submission of choice by the many to the suggested choices by the few.
In other words...the many are pissed at the establishment; while ignoring the source that establishes them to have a MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory.]. The conscious memory needs to respond to perceived inspiration (like a ram); while resisting the temptation to consent to suggested information (like a hard-drive).
A bigger worldwide establishment is about to conveniently swoop in
The suggested one world system mimics the real ONEness of ALL (energy). Being form (life) within flow (inception towards death) and choice within balance implies being ONE within ALL. Comprehending this represents the growth of self discernment, which then leads one to further comprehend the ONEness of ALL...EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power". The internal balance of energy represents velocity (flow) and resistance (form); and we represents the temporary resistance (form) within the momentum (balance) of ongoing velocity (flow) aka temporary growth within ongoing loss.
The trick being played isn't that the parasitic few destroy the civilizations of the many; it's that the many lack to comprehend the civilization racket. Whatever form builds will be taken apart by flow; which is why life is not outcome oriented; but a response to balance (the struggle to survive aka self sustenance as form within the momentum of flow by adaptation as choice to balance.
The few trick the many to spend their energy to build up civilizations; while using suggesting to deceive them to ignore the ongoing movement that corrupts and destroys whatever they build. The few suggest progressivism (aka going with the flow); which when consented to corrupts comprehension of perceived momentum aka the ever changing moment(um) each of us needs to adapt to.
From a different perspective...flow to form (inception); form within flow (life), and form to flow (death) represents ONEs (form) transmutation out of ALL (flow) aka alchemical out of base transmutation. The parasitic few utilize suggestion to deceive the many to respond as the inversion...transmuting back to base by going with the velocity of flow instead of resisting as form.
In simple terms...choice of need over want sustains life; choice of want over need tempts towards death. All suggestions (want or not want) tempt one to ignore perceived (need). The parasitic few suggest want to deceive the many to consent to ignore need.
There's no major coverage yet, people in the far left are calling these terrorists instead of heroes, and in Hong Kong, Israel, Japan and NZ you're still fucked.
So no, they might be terrified by that bit.
because we've been redpilling normie tards and are reaching a critical mass of former braindead npcs. They see everyone is still sick even if you had the vaxx. Everyone knows someone young that died of heartfailing. It's getting too much to pretend they can't notice anymore
to give you a lil bit of hope.
a) PROTEST', verb intransitive [Latin protestor; pro and testor, to affirm it.] aka affirmation of suggested narrative.
b) NEWS implies North;East;West;South coverage; hence control of the whole suggested narrative.
c) those who suggest have the control over those who consent to want (pro) or not want (anti) the suggested.
d) the few suggest (mandate); the many consent to want (pro-mandate) or not want (anti-mandate) it; which causes the conflict of reason (want vs not want) among the many aka division (reason) by suggestion (mandate).
e) as for all of a sudden...the suggested narrative (coronavirus) is constant; which is what allows the reasoning within (pro vs anti) to fluctuate at will by the suggesting few.
Choice (suggestion) to choice (consent to want or not want) contract law in ignorance of choice responding to balance (need/want) natural law.
Ment; form mens - "mind". The established mind (establishment) by controlling the mind (government) of others implies the aforementioned choice to choice contract law. The suggestion represents voting; which when consented to causes a) the want vs not want conflict of reason; disguised as the party system of politics, and b) submission of choice by the many to the suggested choices by the few.
In other words...the many are pissed at the establishment; while ignoring the source that establishes them to have a MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory.]. The conscious memory needs to respond to perceived inspiration (like a ram); while resisting the temptation to consent to suggested information (like a hard-drive).
The suggested one world system mimics the real ONEness of ALL (energy). Being form (life) within flow (inception towards death) and choice within balance implies being ONE within ALL. Comprehending this represents the growth of self discernment, which then leads one to further comprehend the ONEness of ALL...EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power". The internal balance of energy represents velocity (flow) and resistance (form); and we represents the temporary resistance (form) within the momentum (balance) of ongoing velocity (flow) aka temporary growth within ongoing loss.
The trick being played isn't that the parasitic few destroy the civilizations of the many; it's that the many lack to comprehend the civilization racket. Whatever form builds will be taken apart by flow; which is why life is not outcome oriented; but a response to balance (the struggle to survive aka self sustenance as form within the momentum of flow by adaptation as choice to balance.
The few trick the many to spend their energy to build up civilizations; while using suggesting to deceive them to ignore the ongoing movement that corrupts and destroys whatever they build. The few suggest progressivism (aka going with the flow); which when consented to corrupts comprehension of perceived momentum aka the ever changing moment(um) each of us needs to adapt to.
From a different perspective...flow to form (inception); form within flow (life), and form to flow (death) represents ONEs (form) transmutation out of ALL (flow) aka alchemical out of base transmutation. The parasitic few utilize suggestion to deceive the many to respond as the inversion...transmuting back to base by going with the velocity of flow instead of resisting as form.
In simple terms...choice of need over want sustains life; choice of want over need tempts towards death. All suggestions (want or not want) tempt one to ignore perceived (need). The parasitic few suggest want to deceive the many to consent to ignore need.
keep it concise. but very good comment.
The is me holding back...when adaptation flows; inspiration pours.