Its easier to find hardcore porn than it is free speech platforms. Porn is more plentiful than independent media.
Also, all the major porn sites are owned by a company called "mindgeek". Porn is a pysop that is designed to slowly change the attitudes of the audience, such as: interracial porn, family porn and transsexual. I don't believe people are asking for those categories, but rather these monopolies are imposing those categories.
Its easier to find hardcore porn than it is free speech platforms. Porn is more plentiful than independent media.
Also, all the major porn sites are owned by a company called "mindgeek". Porn is a pysop that is designed to slowly change the attitudes of the audience, such as: interracial porn, family porn and transsexual. I don't believe people are asking for those categories, but rather these monopolies are imposing those categories.