posted ago by Dicyanin2C ago by Dicyanin2C +27 / -3

First off, thank you to each and every one of you. Whether your posting every day, commenting, or even lurking..... Thanks for being here, on .win. Please know, our numbers will exponentially grow, keep in keeping on! Now, here's a hard pill that many are going to have to swallow.

I see allot of celebratory posts saying that finally the narrative has been shut down, the truth is coming out and justice will be served. Well, ok yes, that is in fact the current direction of all of this. I need to tell you all though, this is exactly where it needs to be according to the master plan.

Every single person, from the entry level jabber stabber all the way up to the triple PHD White Coat are going to find themselves under the microscope. Every single person that knowingly participated in this Event 201 will be dealt with, guaranteed.

Please know, the plan is much more perverse and dark than you can possibly imagine and also know that our side is fully aware of this. The reason things were or were not done a certain way will make sense in the future, for those of us or you that end up still alive.

If you think Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Cuomo, yada yada yada are the great orchestrators then your either not paying attention or you haven't gotten that deep. Either way, please do not throw caution to the wind and live like it's 2018.... Please realize the following....

They.... When I say They, I'm taking about the ones you don't hear about. The ones that have been doing this shit for time and memorial. I'm taking about the old families, the ones purposely lost to history. Ok...

They will not stop until they get their one world government.

They needed to give a death blow to every single countries economies.

They needed to scare the entire world into looking left when they went right.

They needed the low information citizens as well as the leaders of nations and their soldiers, doctors, nurses, biologists, chemists, scientists, machinists, chefs, cooks, mechanics, laborers, firemen, priests, the list goes on, they needed everyone to get on the same page and do the right thing, get the vaccine. Why? Why?

They now have won round 1. Well, I'm calling it round 1 but we all know this is just another day for them. Now what did they accomplish?

The cliff notes version is the effectively either convinced or coerced literally millions of people worldwide to get their prepackaged agenda. People are staying to finally realize that they were lied to. Every death blamed on COVID is either an outright lie, or could have been avoided because people are finding out the truth. Ivermectin, HCQ etc actually kill and cure COVID. So, now that They are found out though, it's seriously NOT the end. Their just going to turn the page and go-to the next stage.

They will sit back and watch as the mobs go on witch hunts, hold trials, sentence the guilty to life in prison, or death penalty, and personally I think some should be crucified. Yes, I said it. But, just know, the They In talking about will be sitting back and watching and enjoying the utter chaos that's to come.

Our economies are destroyed. Yes, they are. All of the dedicated professionals including our Doctors, Lawyers, First Responders, EVEN OUR MILITARIES will be decimated due to the guilty parties actions. What I'm trying to say is that consider this point in history right now, you know.... The STORM that Donald Trump told us about, consider this part of the storm as the part right after the storm front comes through. The absolute carnage and damage that is to come cannot even be fathomed by most of the civilized world.

As we all are finding vindication and comradery, please do not let your guard down. Continue to be vigilant, and please most of all give a hand to your neighbors, loved ones, and even the strangers. By that I mean try to find understanding for everyone, even if they smited you, or even trespassed against you. (I'm not talking about the ones who knowingly took part in this sham). I know plenty of folks right now who are literally beside themselves in the last few days because they realize the cognitive dissonance they've had all along and their seething because their children were next, and that line, if crossed where you are could be enough to make anyone lose grip.

I'm not a prophet, but I do read way too much. They just killed a huge supply line between the US and Canada. That move in itself is an act of war against not only the American and Canadian people, but an act of war against the entire stability of the world. Our military may be the most technologically advance and munitions heavy, remember that they forced our soldiers and Patriots to take their poison.

Patriots, Godspeed to each and every one of you. This is not over, not for a long shot. THEY effectively gave the entire world as we know it the most effective and deadly first strike that their unlimited option arsenal could do. Do you honestly think they didn't know it would come to this? Yes, they did.

The CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, Doctors, Nurses, Politicians, etc etc... Nobody will be able to trust in them or anybody else. Our major institutions will fail. Our Hospitals will be understaffed, police departments won't have enough people, so on and so forth. The way of life as we knew it is completely gone. Nobody is seeing that coming, and if they do, their keeping quiet.

Their not going to need small pox or a hemorrhagic fever outbreak, were all still in the storm, don't allow yourself or others to forget that.

God Bless Everyone, and if you do not believe in God, I pray He blesses you anyways, and you know what??? He will.

End of transmission. 🥂 🐸