Croatian MEP is the good guy, I wish we'd have him as Slovenian politician as well... But "This has to remain a CHOICE for every citizen", I'd add WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION, LIMITED FREEDOM AND SHITTING ON HUMAN RIGHTS OF THOSE. But otherwise, spot on Croatian MEP.
What a champ! To the point.
Didn't the Croats also called the Austrian lockdowns "fascism"?
Anyone can say that, because they are!
Repeat after me:
"Lockdowns are fascism!"
Croatian MEP is the good guy, I wish we'd have him as Slovenian politician as well... But "This has to remain a CHOICE for every citizen", I'd add WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION, LIMITED FREEDOM AND SHITTING ON HUMAN RIGHTS OF THOSE. But otherwise, spot on Croatian MEP.
Ladies and gentlemen this is what happens if you stand up to the globalist mass 3rd world invasion in the face of f-15’s protecting them
Croatia is probably one of the few places I would consider moving to in the modern world. Beautiful country and culture.
Apples and oranges. death penalty is for criminals. Death by jab is happening to innocents.
POC are inferior beings.
They still will be there just wont me anything to compare the epic failure to.