Dollars become worth less. The purchasing power of an aluminum can stays about the same.
The US dollar is a piss poor metric.
A basic loaf of bread or a gallon of milk -- throughout time are STILL a basic loaf of bread or a gallon of milk . Their usefulness and value stays about the same.
IMO crypto is a pyramid scheme.
Aluminum cans is a more stable money system.
I can see trading a chicken or some eggs for a chunk of aluminum.
This is barter.
Aluminum is easy to identify. This would work easily for up to about 50 lbs.
Anyone could make barter scrap (melt furnace) at home.
parachute rigger
Cans don't become worth more.
Dollars become worth less. The purchasing power of an aluminum can stays about the same.
The US dollar is a piss poor metric.
A basic loaf of bread or a gallon of milk -- throughout time are STILL a basic loaf of bread or a gallon of milk . Their usefulness and value stays about the same.
Not true with a fiat dollar.