If you believe that you win because there are more people opposing the covid death flag than there are people running it or complying, then I have several pressing questions for you.
- Why are the elites not even being set back ONCE in their operations to demolish you? I had never heard of ANYTHING about covid world done by global government and local government actually getting set back in any significant level.
- If you're going to win and the narrative is on the run, why are all the odds stacked perfectly against you?
- Why in the hell that even if there are more Russians supporting the Nicholas Regime than there are people supporting the Bolsheviks (and the Bolsheviks are the minority party) and Russia lost to the Bolshevik Red Terror? There are lots of gun owners in Russia 1917 and every other Russians are fighting the Bolsheviks. Spoiler: It hardly mattered,.
According to the logic of optimists, I am no longer mandated to wear a mask a year ago.
But can we just admit once that every "optimistic" report turned out to be just false hope, and the reality is your victory will reveal itself to be a pyrrhic victory if we don't actually end the Omicron plot twist?
You only have a month left.
Humanity is on the clock to eternal lamentation.
Only if the worldwide masses start realizing that something is amiss and starts displaying non-compliance -- as in ignoring mandates, protesting and anything they could pull as long as it's NOT violent insurrections. I had yet to see anything out of America, parts of Europe and Australia. Yet.
If you don't use your power to change destiny, you can't.
I DID predict Tedros declaring phase three around February or March this year. If you do not know what that is, I meant decade long lockdowns where governors control your ability to buy rations and they are programmed to not even let you to using whatever excuse. Heck, why is there even a date called February 2, 2022 (2/22/2022) in the first place? Here I wonder.