How bad do communist lie in order to stay in power?
My experience is that the Enemy presents as Lawful Evil alignment, and A) uses imprecise language to imply lies without actually saying untruth while (B) using legal methods to coerce people into self-destruction.
Rationalizing why the great Evil isn't Chaotic in nature, I assume the Chaotic Evils wouldn't be able to build a sizeable, reliable base without being torn apart from the inside: the Goblin King. Chaotic organizations don't have the focus to pull the really big capers.
Check your Work: if the alignment of the Globalists is Lawful Evil, they would naturally vilify the Chaotic Good. Would this vilification include people who are going against the narrative, bucking mandates to share the truth of the venomous vaccine? Anti-maskers who say their breathing isn't up for negotiation...
My experience is that the Enemy presents as Lawful Evil alignment, and A) uses imprecise language to imply lies without actually saying untruth while (B) using legal methods to coerce people into self-destruction.
Rationalizing why the great Evil isn't Chaotic in nature, I assume the Chaotic Evils wouldn't be able to build a sizeable, reliable base without being torn apart from the inside: the Goblin King. Chaotic organizations don't have the focus to pull the really big capers.
Check your Work: if the alignment of the Globalists is Lawful Evil, they would naturally vilify the Chaotic Good. Would this vilification include people who are going against the narrative, bucking mandates to share the truth of the venomous vaccine? Anti-maskers who say their breathing isn't up for negotiation...