my wife has an old friend who was visiting family near Almaty (a touch difficult to leave now as airports and bus stations are changing hands too often to safely leave)
all she has been able to communicate is that the worst of the protest/violence was before Friday, where the populace (maybe funded and supported, who knows) was taking local cops and armed forces hostage.
Then around the night time of friday the Russian paratroopers showed up, and they have enforced a curfew on the centre of the city, if you are out past 10pm you get shot on site, she hears gunshots every night.
no idea on the situation in the rest of the country,
Interesting. Do you think its the CIA up to no good or was it a genuine uprising? The Russians stepping in seems to say the West was up to no good as always.
You mentioned Chinese also? Are they allied with the Russians?
Do you think its the CIA up to no good or was it a genuine uprising
Just remembered reading how the CIA, through FB and Twitter Feeds incited the Arab Spring. Its crazy how they can direct ppls attention where they want just using an algorithm... Uncle Ted is right.
Yes I have a suspicion they have been attempting something similar lately first in Belarus now in Kazakhstan, The difference now is that Russia is responding immediately.
The protestors 100% have support organizing and coordinating them. The first places targetted were weapons stores (miliatry and priveate, there are videos of them breaking into a military base and stealing mortar shells and tubes) an unmarked cars with trunks full of said weapons dropping them off in the middle of crowds. Also they were very quick to target govt centres and burn them down. The organization of the protest is sophisticated.
As to who is organizing it? not sure. Kazakstan does have mandatory military services to the run of the mill idiots still have military training, so its possible its organic.
it does have the feel of a color revolution like Maidan so its possible its CIA organized to draw Russia's attention away from Ukraine and destabilize Russia's Uranium supply (most of the raw uranium is mined in Kazakhstan). Belarus also had a failed colored revolution recently.
But considering how quick Russia responded i would not be surprised if its a false flag to fold Kazakstan under Russia's wing more. the have already secured Belarus, so it kind would make sense for them to pre-empt any more failed CIA actions. What lends more this theory is the Wests near silence on this. Usually if its a colored revolution there is a media campaign of support already lined up for western news. There was attention on Belarus for nearly 3 weeks.
so hard to say whats really going on.
China has expressed support for the Kazakh official govt and Russia's action and declared that they will be sending troops. I dont have a source outside of Almaty though
You do have a point in that the Media has been specially silent about this but maybe the CIA told them to shut up while they conduct their mission but maybe you are right and Russia planned it. Are you still communicating with that person that lives there?
a bit. the internet has mostly been shut down since Thursday, so getting updates is sketchy.
She and her family are just staying put in their home. the live slightly outside of the city, and have chickens and their own source milk and some fire arms to defend it so they are ok.
unfortunately no.
my wife has an old friend who was visiting family near Almaty (a touch difficult to leave now as airports and bus stations are changing hands too often to safely leave)
all she has been able to communicate is that the worst of the protest/violence was before Friday, where the populace (maybe funded and supported, who knows) was taking local cops and armed forces hostage.
Then around the night time of friday the Russian paratroopers showed up, and they have enforced a curfew on the centre of the city, if you are out past 10pm you get shot on site, she hears gunshots every night.
no idea on the situation in the rest of the country,
Interesting. Do you think its the CIA up to no good or was it a genuine uprising? The Russians stepping in seems to say the West was up to no good as always.
You mentioned Chinese also? Are they allied with the Russians?
Just remembered reading how the CIA, through FB and Twitter Feeds incited the Arab Spring. Its crazy how they can direct ppls attention where they want just using an algorithm... Uncle Ted is right.
Yes I have a suspicion they have been attempting something similar lately first in Belarus now in Kazakhstan, The difference now is that Russia is responding immediately.
The protestors 100% have support organizing and coordinating them. The first places targetted were weapons stores (miliatry and priveate, there are videos of them breaking into a military base and stealing mortar shells and tubes) an unmarked cars with trunks full of said weapons dropping them off in the middle of crowds. Also they were very quick to target govt centres and burn them down. The organization of the protest is sophisticated.
As to who is organizing it? not sure. Kazakstan does have mandatory military services to the run of the mill idiots still have military training, so its possible its organic.
it does have the feel of a color revolution like Maidan so its possible its CIA organized to draw Russia's attention away from Ukraine and destabilize Russia's Uranium supply (most of the raw uranium is mined in Kazakhstan). Belarus also had a failed colored revolution recently.
But considering how quick Russia responded i would not be surprised if its a false flag to fold Kazakstan under Russia's wing more. the have already secured Belarus, so it kind would make sense for them to pre-empt any more failed CIA actions. What lends more this theory is the Wests near silence on this. Usually if its a colored revolution there is a media campaign of support already lined up for western news. There was attention on Belarus for nearly 3 weeks.
so hard to say whats really going on.
China has expressed support for the Kazakh official govt and Russia's action and declared that they will be sending troops. I dont have a source outside of Almaty though
You do have a point in that the Media has been specially silent about this but maybe the CIA told them to shut up while they conduct their mission but maybe you are right and Russia planned it. Are you still communicating with that person that lives there?
a bit. the internet has mostly been shut down since Thursday, so getting updates is sketchy.
She and her family are just staying put in their home. the live slightly outside of the city, and have chickens and their own source milk and some fire arms to defend it so they are ok.