posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +9 / -2

I love how off-guardian ALWAYS had articles that seemed like they were dooming, but if you think true about it, they were for REAL.

Whatever you see right now isn't anything to be celebrated.

On one hand you have wholesale countries returning back to stage 1 REGARDLESS of vaccination status and everything was either unopposed or not opposed thoroughly. (Hong Kong was back to stage 1 over 6 local cases mind you)

On the other hand you have scare mongering from countries who were in some semblances of normal such as the USA and UK. (If you live in a Red State, covid-19 is just annoying fear propaganda, and the Brits were at least allowed in the streets or museums unmasked)

And you have MSM and Alt-Media which were both walking on the line of outright dooming or giving false hope like "Omicron is just the common cold", "the people in [country] had risen up", "the latest vaccine mandate is repealed" or "[authority] admits the vaccines don't work".

All these brings to one thing: these information are all CONTRADICTORY and will eventually merge into one outcome -- the most cynical, yet realistic conclusion possible.

The WHO declaring that the vaccines don't work, that we are back to stage 1 and the most EXTREME final solution is required to end the pandemic once and for all.

If you read all of my previous posts before, you know what kind of death scenario I am talking about.

There's no surprise that people will normalize mass starvation, sneaking past military police to graze backyard grass or hunt for animal corpses and the fear of being randomly sent to a fun camp within a decade very soon.

It happened for 3 decades in Russia and Ukraine under Stalin.

It happened in China for 2 decades under Chairman Mao (alongside the normalization of cancel culture that actually KILLS).

It happened for 4 years under Pol Pot that people normalized that they are also just worker slaves who can be disposed almost on the next day.

So when we all starve to bare bones and whatever resistance has ceased to even exist until a good while later and the only hope for that decade is your wardens were merciful enough for you to buy food, don't be surprised.

It is now being set-up, and you know what the consequences are.