I have stressed that MANY TIMES that:
- People can and will just sit there and starve to death once they are told to. Basically, if they lock you in your home for an indefinite amount of time until "we wipe out covid-19" and rations begin to be denied by governors, they will just sit down and die, maybe grovel and beg for mercy.
- People can face an INSURMOUNTABLE ODD against their favor and still claim that they are in an advantage and winning because of "how many people will oppose the scamdemic" and "more and more people are awakening". The fact is that LITERALLY NOTHING in covid world is playing in your favor for now. Literally NOTHING. I can tell you over 70% of the WORLDWIDE POPULATION are not with you in this one. Therefore, the Elite during the Omicron death flag are NOT desperate, they are being over-confident that they will no longer be opposed.
And you know what this parallels to? Pre-Soviet Russia.
Again the same delusionally euphoric population, the same revolutionaries occupying and modifying society, the same majority of opposition against fringe revolutionaries, then the fringe revolutionaries win and start their bloody excesses -- When it comes to the Holodomor, gun-toting, once-feisty Ukrainians who once fought wildly against the Russians are reduced to bare bones who can no longer pull a single trigger.
Aside that this is not one country -- the same fate will befall the world in the name of a "pandemic".
Like I always said, if in the end modern human society collapsed over covid because everyone was basically ruined for good, then there's still a winner, but it's not us because we lost too much.