Il critique également largement les antivax pour leur rôle dans les tensions qui existent sur le sujet. "Le fait même que l’on pose la question du refus de soin pour des gens non vaccinés est un drôle de virus. Et ça, c’est l’immense faute morale des antivax: ils viennent saper ce qu’est la solidité d’une nation."
Rough translation, it gives:
He also criticises antivaxxers for their role in tensions on this subject: "The fact that we have to ask if we should treat or not un-vaccinated people is a funny virus. And this, this is the moral fault of anti-vaxxers: they destroy the solidarity of a country."
Ok so wait. Pro-vax make this stupid argument to blame anti-vaxxer, but this is somehow the fault of anti-vaxxers? What kind of twisted logic is that? You're the one fueling this war in France between pro and anti-vax, yet this is the fault of anti-vaxxers?
I can't believe he just said something that stupid. That's really a new low.
"Je ne vais pas les mettre en prison, je ne vais pas les vacciner de force.
"I will not put them in jail, I will not vaccinate them by force."
Hey Macron, remember when you said early last year that you "will not" introduce a covid pass, but you actually did it just a few months after? What tells me this isn't again one more lie? And now, you're putting in place a vaccine pass, even less scientific since you now deny natural immunity is even a thing, or covid test for that matter.
What the fuck is this shit.
Rough translation, it gives:
Ok so wait. Pro-vax make this stupid argument to blame anti-vaxxer, but this is somehow the fault of anti-vaxxers? What kind of twisted logic is that? You're the one fueling this war in France between pro and anti-vax, yet this is the fault of anti-vaxxers?
I can't believe he just said something that stupid. That's really a new low.
Hey Macron, remember when you said early last year that you "will not" introduce a covid pass, but you actually did it just a few months after? What tells me this isn't again one more lie? And now, you're putting in place a vaccine pass, even less scientific since you now deny natural immunity is even a thing, or covid test for that matter.