I am already expecting an immense worldwide "case load" (FAKE) within a few months in the next year, followed by a worldwide lockdown/we are back to stage 1 recommendation from Tedros telling us "we need a final solution against covid".
Every government then starts locking down their citizens out of "overwhelming caseloads" and you can't buy food without governor permission (the vaccine mandates before are to make sure only the compliant carry out the prevention of quarantine breachers), so you can buy food well in Texas but in California or Tel Aviv be prepared to just starve to death. Since people who run out of food cannot resist, it naturally results in all resistance halting and people just sitting there, waiting to die.
And then by 2023 - 2025 you can expect the Smart Meters doing PCR tests in your place with predictable results.
Quarantine camps are coming. They will introduce them softly with local media support. The big question is how quick or slow will they move?
It will always come suddenly and in unimaginable speeds.
Can you imagine how quick Weimar collapsed to Hitler in the drop of a hat? Or the Antifa killers start storming the streets after George Floyd gets killed? YES, this quick and ugly.
You mean cucked occupied Weimar Germany ASCENDED to being led by the most based leader we have ever had?
Why are you limping Hitler in with thugs like Antifa and the new world order?
Oy vey yes Goyim believe your savior was a jew and trust the plan, says Mr Shekelberg.