It’s called VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and it is very real. The spike protein which is the key component “messages” your cells to act as factories of further spike proteins. The spike proteins also cause your cells to lose their ability to repair from the microscopic damage they go through every day from rushing about in your blood stream. They grow jagged for lack of a better word and their collisions become more and more harmful, while many cluster along the outer surface of the heart (this causes myocarditis and cardiac arrest).
But if yours don’t kill you with a split second clot, the long-term result is your immune system becomes unable to handle the smallest of illnesses, and the common cold will become life-threatening. Sorry.
lol, keep dreaming. That's absolutely false. You really think everyone who got the vaccine is going to either drop dead or have their entire immune system slowly cease function? You're retarded.
Look into "Peak Oil". They're gaslighting you about climate change to hide the real problem, because people need to remain unaware of the solution as it unfolds. We're running out of fossil fuels that have a favorable Energy-Returned / Energy-Invested ratio. We didn't build nuclear power plants because the plan, for 60 years, has been to first get the population under control.
Certainly, it's possible to engineer solutions to sustain the population. But then the population continues growing, and then you need to engineer new solutions. With each step, the planet becomes more like Coruscant, and less like Earth. :)
It seems the powers that be decided the best time to stop and reverse this, is now. Even worse, though, is how they envision to transform society if they succeed. They plan for annihilation of individuality and total control. To quote George Orwell:
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."
It’s called VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and it is very real. The spike protein which is the key component “messages” your cells to act as factories of further spike proteins. The spike proteins also cause your cells to lose their ability to repair from the microscopic damage they go through every day from rushing about in your blood stream. They grow jagged for lack of a better word and their collisions become more and more harmful, while many cluster along the outer surface of the heart (this causes myocarditis and cardiac arrest).
But if yours don’t kill you with a split second clot, the long-term result is your immune system becomes unable to handle the smallest of illnesses, and the common cold will become life-threatening. Sorry.
lol, keep dreaming. That's absolutely false. You really think everyone who got the vaccine is going to either drop dead or have their entire immune system slowly cease function? You're retarded.
Yes, the graphene is going to destroy people over time:
Look into "Peak Oil". They're gaslighting you about climate change to hide the real problem, because people need to remain unaware of the solution as it unfolds. We're running out of fossil fuels that have a favorable Energy-Returned / Energy-Invested ratio. We didn't build nuclear power plants because the plan, for 60 years, has been to first get the population under control.
Part Five in this document is an excellent write-up on the problem of EROEI:
Take a look at the ruins that decorate the entire document.
Certainly, it's possible to engineer solutions to sustain the population. But then the population continues growing, and then you need to engineer new solutions. With each step, the planet becomes more like Coruscant, and less like Earth. :)
It seems the powers that be decided the best time to stop and reverse this, is now. Even worse, though, is how they envision to transform society if they succeed. They plan for annihilation of individuality and total control. To quote George Orwell:
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."