I made a post earlier this evening stating that my wife and I got the vaccine almost a year ago and haven't experienced any negative side effects or dropped dead. Same goes for everyone we know. Unsurprisingly, the post instantly got downvoted to shit with people telling me I'm lying or whatever. Yawn.
For the record, I am aggressively against vaccine mandates but don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the vaccines themselves beyond the fact that they simply don't work with nearly the efficacy advertised by Big Pharma when they started rolling them out.
If anyone wants to ask me any questions about it, I'm happy to honestly respond. I'm not trying to convince of anything (really don't care what you do with your own body), but given that the discourse around it seems to be emotionally heightened to the point of fairytale superstition, I feel like I could bring things back down to Earth a bit for anyone curious.
Yes, maybe it is that your English isn't good enough. Try being a little less smug, maybe it'll clear room in your brain to understand the simplicity of what someone is expressing to you.
I don't believe the vaccines are killing anyone, their primary flaw is simply that they aren't as effective as what was initially promised. This doesn't mean that they do nothing, just that their importance to surviving the pandemic is clearly overstated and manipulated for financial and political gain. I'm not a subscriber to the "death shot" hysteria, as maybe you are.
If a vaccine does not provide an immunity (inability to get a disease) it is not a vaccine by definition. There are still a lot of medicine books where you could read the real definition and real purpose of term "vaccine".
Soap that does not wash is not a soap. And the fact that very little people die from it, can't make it a soap. The food that is not edible is not a food. And the fact that somebody was able swallow it and still alive, does not make it a food. As simple as that.
You got "vaccinated", my condolences. But don't be afraid, a lot of people did that stupid thing and still alive and healthy. Doing stupid things once does not make you a retard. Everybody did that. Doing that stupid things again and again, especially when you already know that they are stupid make you retard.
Your analogies don't really make sense, but I get what you're trying to say.
I'm trying to point out that you make a mistake from the very beginning. Your title says "I'm vaccinated", but you are not. That thing is not a vaccine, since it does not do what vaccines should do - to provide you immunity from the disease. Also, there are a lot of doubts that the disease you "vaccinated" against have virus origin, need any measures like mass vaccination, or even exists at all. There are no scientific proofs that declared virus exists, that it is an exact and only cause of disease, that "disease" is not a cover for wrong treating protocols of patients who just got regular cold/flu and all that stuff. There are too many doubts in the most basic things about all that pandemic insanity to blindly follow propaganda.
So, to announce that you are vaccinated, you have to scientifically prove a lot of things, that should be scientifically proven from the very beginning but for some completely unclear reason they are not. For over two years.
You're trying to have a semantic argument, which I'm not remotely interested in. I would imagine the majority of our views on the virus and the pandemic are aligned and in agreement. You're just being pedantic for the sake of your own amusement.