There's NOTHING and I meant LITERALLY NOTHING funny about the covid world death flag.
If at anything, I will not be joking with this because it WILL result in a Communist Revolution with a scope and a death toll indefinitely grander and bigger than but not including: the Armenian Genocide, the French Illuminati takeover, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Maoist China, Pol Pot and the Rwandan Genocide.
What I meant here is if they ever run this full force, which is the inevitable assuming if global awareness has not been made within 2 months from now, not only will 4 billion die they will do all of us, WORLDWIDE over to a point where society will never recover even as all the perpetrators responsible are dead or jailed for life.
(And if you believe this is the worst or darkest, it is definitely not and it can and will go worse than this on the drop of a hat. It will downturn suddenly and easily and you will NOT be given a window to prepare)
The whole covid death flag would be around as funny for me as the Holodormor is to a Ukrainian Kulak (Armed, middle class independent farmers) or Pol Pot/Ieng Sary is to a Cambodian in 2010.
It has not even begun yet.
It's just the setup to fill you high with euphoria.
Yes, I meant the vaccines are there to inflate you with euphoria and bait people into believing this is the worst.
But in reality, it is yet to come and it will come in the drop of a hat. And assuming it ever comes you had already lost even as you take them down, because the damage is no longer recoverable.
If we compare this to Nazi Germany we're still in the late 20s - early 30s phase, at around 1929 - 1931. It's a phase where we are dangerously close to garnering enough tensions for it to erupt though.
(And no, by the 1944 - 1945 phase, it's already close to the end of the tunnel, where we definitely are nowhere near.)
It is, but you paint it like the exterminations HAVE already happened.
They are being built up, not happening yet, although it could easily come after 2 months.