posted ago by brahbruh ago by brahbruh +8 / -1

This post was written in response to a comment thread here:

The debate we were having was whether the lack of gun rights in Australia and the current situation there represented the genesis of some form of communism. As we know, the situation is similar throughout the world.

The link at the very bottom is the key.

That is the link to click :/

If you're going to survive the situation that we are going into, you need to open your mind to the possibility that your current understandings could be wrong. This is not meant to be any kind of insult or troll attempt.

I will present just one quintessential example to support my claim that gun confiscation and, thereafter, a lack of at gun rights, are core M.O. and tenets of communism.

Here is the article, which details the Bolshevik gun confiscation. Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were the quintessential (and first, at least on a large scale) example of a communist regime, which led to the murder and starvation of tens of millions.

Any kind of government that wants to remove the ability to move freely, grow your own food, own guns, or any other activity that ensures individualist survivability, only wants these things so that they can exercise full power over the population. This is the ultimate form of collectivism, which is commonly presented as Socialism or some form thereof. Another example, aside from the regime that resulted from Bolshevik Revolution, is Nazi ("national socialist") Germany. While the politics of Nazi Germany were ostensibly vastly different than those of Bolshevik Russia, the means and ultimate ends were the same: expansion of the territory, gun confiscation, loss of rights, genocide, other atrocities.

There is no example in modern history of a gun confiscation that did not ultimately lead to a genocide. Australia has not yet experienced its genocide, but it will.

For a terrifying, but extremely well researched and nearly comprehensive set of examples and warnings about what is coming, I recommend reading this series of extremely long articles. The easiest way to get through this is by using the screen reading accessibility feature of your phone with the speed turned up. If you have an iPhone, there is a feature called "speak selection", which you can turn on in preferences, and then you can highlight a large block of text and click the "speak" dialog button.