How can you say you’re none of those things when you use their playbooks to the letter? You slide, gaslight, attack the messenger, use alts to fraudulently boost certain narratives while suppressing others, and so on.
Who is your “big bad”? Who do you imagine has hired axo? Where are your posts attempting to lend this notion credibility to then build on? All I see are dozens of handshakes, created minute by minute, “dive-bombing” posts in what I can only describe as an attempt to “shitify” this place.
Your lucid replies here and now are not the norm. I wonder if you’ll keep them up?
Creating an alt, going immediately to an axo thread then calling him a Russian shill, while amusing, is ineffective and comes with an immediate ban.
Why is that amusing? And, is that really any different than those people you would invariably call shills, who jump to the jews as an explanation for everything?
In summation, I'm not some bitter tmor who huffs their own farts and looks down on anyone who thinks differently.
But you recognize that your lines of attack here overlap with theirs massively right? From bringing up absurd MSM (i.e. bullshit) talking points about “mUh rUsSiaNs” to shitifying the comments section with the handy side-effect of squelching discussion, and so on? Clearly you do, hence trying to now distance yourself from those types. If you actually wanted to wake up partisans, I feel like you’d be on different forums. It truly feels like your only purpose here is to detract.
Someone who knows that it's all a show.
Who is putting on this show? Who has the financial and narrative shaping capabilities we see deployed daily? Which tribe did the last 9/9 married first children pick their spouse from? What are the odds of that?
How can you say you’re none of those things when you use their playbooks to the letter? You slide, gaslight, attack the messenger, use alts to fraudulently boost certain narratives while suppressing others, and so on.
Who is your “big bad”? Who do you imagine has hired axo? Where are your posts attempting to lend this notion credibility to then build on? All I see are dozens of handshakes, created minute by minute, “dive-bombing” posts in what I can only describe as an attempt to “shitify” this place.
Your lucid replies here and now are not the norm. I wonder if you’ll keep them up?
Why is that amusing? And, is that really any different than those people you would invariably call shills, who jump to the jews as an explanation for everything?
But you recognize that your lines of attack here overlap with theirs massively right? From bringing up absurd MSM (i.e. bullshit) talking points about “mUh rUsSiaNs” to shitifying the comments section with the handy side-effect of squelching discussion, and so on? Clearly you do, hence trying to now distance yourself from those types. If you actually wanted to wake up partisans, I feel like you’d be on different forums. It truly feels like your only purpose here is to detract.
Who is putting on this show? Who has the financial and narrative shaping capabilities we see deployed daily? Which tribe did the last 9/9 married first children pick their spouse from? What are the odds of that?
You're a shitifyer of the thread. Lol got a nice ring to it.
Why change your name constantly? The locals all know, about the crazy dude kicking up dust. Its obvious you're not a dumbass, so what the hell?