Is this schizo or legit? Leaning towards legit but want to hear thoughts from others
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distraction from the jews imo
retard alert.
Ok but for years I heard people talking about freemasons and never jumped on board but once I found out jews are majority in media, corperations, the fed etc. Even if that's so not all jews are freemasons and jews are the more broad target.
Freemasonry is Kabbalah "Judaism" for goyim, you only get to see the real shit if you make it to high degrees AND you're ethnically "jewish" or have some weird fucked up "royal blood" shit like Merovingian blood line stuff they believe. This is why it looks like the Scottish rite has the most power (their conspiracy theories on Merovingian bloodlines) but really its not the goyim in power its still jewish.
Read Albert Pike. You can literally learn up to the 32nd degree with his most famous book and its so jewed up its not funny. All that female/male side of "god" kind of shit. You can then fuck with literal freemasons of low degrees and they get mad you didn't do the "work" to do it.
This is intriguing considering the history of the US from it's founding, and direct Masonic involvement.h
Would you possibly suggest any other solid resources (sites, books, etc) that help explain the symbolism, and so forth?
I would think there's an energetic component to it, as well within these lodges, that the members themselves might not be aware of.
That's interesting, and it also appears Jews are also prevalent in the pharmaceutical and medical industry.
CEO of Pfizer:
CDC Director:
Interesting link:
Free implies response to domination aka "free" will of choice in response to "dom"inance of balance; while mason implies shaping form (life) by choice within flow (inception towards death).
Masons of free will shape the choices of others by means of suggesting information (aka from within form); which deceives those who consent by free will of choice to ignore shaping themselves by response to inspiration (aka from within spirit; spiro; to breathe aka adaptation of form to flow aka as choice to balance).
The few "chosen ones" represent the consequence of the many consenting to ignore that each of them represents the ONE with the choice within the balance of ALL. Those who ignore free will of choice are being parasitically exploited by those who suggest choices. To consent by choice to any suggestion by the choice of others represents the submission of choice to choice aka of free will to free will aka the ignorance of responsibility as choice to balance.
Choice responding to perceived balance represents need/want (resonance with balance). Choice responding to suggested choices represents want vs not want (dissonance through conflict). All conflicts in this balance based reality represents the choice of those within to ignore need for want aka balance (need/want) for imbalance (want vs not want), and this conflict of want vs not want was branded "reason" by the parasitic few who exploit the ignorance of the many.