What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
Investing response into momentum.
Sharp or dull represent choices of response to momentum; while the transmutation back to base implies the ongoing flow.
The few who suggest "stay hungry" are tempting the many to consent to want over need; hence ignoring thirst and hunger; which will corrupt both their tastes and their self sustenance skills. Misreading words already implies ignoring perceived sound for suggested words shaped out of it. Whatever the words may suggest; they already represent miscommunication.
ONEs ecosystem radiating outwards into ALL represents that radar of perceiving senses. Losing track implies EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] aka ignoring momentum for going with the flow.
Representing ones own diminishing sense of taste.
Aka using the suggestions of others as the justification to seek other sources for ones wants; while ignoring the need to grow ones ecosystem.
Which is why everything suggested represents affixed meaning that deceives one to mentally hold onto; which in return corrupts the comprehension of the moving river and of the need to plant roots.
Is that a thing? Arson by Monkey.
Perceived reality implies differences; hence the suggestion of words to corrupt understanding of sameness (energy). Balance represents the help for choice; not suggested choices.
a) every word suggests meaning to those who ignore perceived meaning.
b) the layer (ledge) of perception (know) implies momentum (balance) for the choice within.
GRA'TIS, adverb [Latin] - "for nothing; freely; without recompense". That represents the inversion of free-dom (free will of choice in response to dominance of balance).
Winning implies a price; which implies value; which each ONE already represents the highest value within ALL...evaluation. Of course; ignoring that everything was won; tempts to assume that nothing's winnable.
How could a man be a man without reflecting upon self when looking into the eyes of his children?
Words imply suggestion of meaning; hence ignorance of perceived meaning. Only this ignorance of want over need then allows the subsequent corruption of words as spell-craft.
Free choice within dominating balance defined by a predefined path (flowing from beginning towards end).
Was this skill noticeable before the hedgefund (you finding your way into a hedge)?
Perceivable movement requires form within a momentum; to be able to perceive how other form responds to movement. Poor water into water and question if each drop goes through others or remains ONE within ALL among others alike? If so then balance sustains the differentiation of each ONE within ALL; which would make slipping through ONE another a want (imbalance) based agreement in ignorance of need (balance). On the flipside...you could make a stew out of someone and then flush him through most formed channels; including internal organs.
a) the trap implies the suggestion of "something" out of perceived everything; branded as nothing.
b) consent to either want or "not" want (aka wanting nothing) then causes the conflict of reason (want vs not want); which represents the imbalance (want vs not want) within ignored balance (need/want).
c) let's go at yes...does movement have to defined a yes state; when it's already been perceived as moving (aka always on)? Wouldn't "look at me; I'm moving" imply "no shit; I can see that"? Both yes vs no represent the suggested rebrand of want vs not want; in ignorance of need. Any yes state we suggest implies us ignoring that whatever we proclaim as such to be moving nonetheless. Another angle...if life equals yes; then being moved from inception towards death, implies that a yes state will automatically become a no state. Shouldn't this inspire one to question the "automatic" aspect (flow)? Shouldn't any yes be branded "not yet no", and shouldn't that inspire the question of being within momentum?
PROM'ISE, noun [Latin promissum, from promitto, to send before or forward; pro and mitto, to send.] That implies flow before form; flow sending forward form. A form out of a flow implies being spend; hence transmuting from flow to form (inception) to form within flow (life) to form to flow (death). Drinking as in perceived spirit (in-spirit-ation); not suggested spirits (information). Who's holds the monopoly on liquor (besides your liver)?
Need implies self sustenance; that's what they grow in adherence to. Sunlight or substitute...they respond to self sustenance (need over want).
In today's episode "vervets" we learn about how the Tavistock Institute came up with the terms "black face" and "blue balls"...
Those narrow eyes; that sunken forehead; this long face...never trust ron perlman.
Why call it standing still when it implies balancing (adaptation by choice within momentum). Get a balance board and hold one legged stances; do footwork among uneven underbrush or switch stances on ice (rocking a baby to sleep while switching from horse stance to side lunges also works), and of course the classics (water and wind) will all help with footing.
How could the free will of choice overrule the dominance of the balance; which defines having a choice based response?
Knowledge (perception) implies power perceived as movement.
That represents want over need (information over inspiration); which ignores the moving power perceived when looking. Looking for implies want of explanation (suggested information) for what is seen (perceived inspiration); while ignoring to grow it for self (comprehension). Take the label off anything and question how and what it communicates through being moved (velocity of flow) and reacting to being moved (resistance of form)?
Then why the belts; ropes; pills; guns etc. when having the powerful will to simply check out? Suicide also represents an act of vanity in response to others, and the shirking of responsibility for the sustenance of self. The suggestion of (assisted) suicide for the alleviation of pain is based on the deception of pharmaceutical barbiturates; which corrupted the inner to outer communication of sickness by numbing the symptoms with crude-oil based drugs. When dying of pain; then the body processes the ignored (withheld) symptoms of causes. It drives the pain outwards to clean itself up; while inspiring choice to resist putting more poison in.
Base as the flowing foundation of form; acid as the formed response to flow.
Pointing away from the only point of existence...momentum (balance for choice). Their suggestion represents a want vs not want offer; hence imbalance. Consent to the suggested caveat allows those suggesting it to manipulate (dereferencor) those consenting to it.
Suggested inversion of representing animated (animal) form (human) out of animating flow.
'ARCHETYPE, noun [Gr. beginning, and form.] aka flow; which one ignores when consenting to suggestion by others which "enter tame mind".
Both and then some (ALL in ONE).
Ignorance towards you (not want over want) implies secondary choice to want over need (ignorance of balance for suggestion of imbalance).
Gate represents a suggested opening; hence the vetting processes. Teach/learn yourself to utilize perceived openings and you will notice that the vetting is only for those consenting to the suggestion thereof.