What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
Consenting to suggested information; while perpetuating it.
Matter (form) implies being within the balance (momentum) of flow...the ever changing point (moment) of existence.
Simple towards complex represents the hierarchy of energy to flow to form aka self differentiation. Easy/hard represents the balance (momentum) for the responding choice of form within. ONE comprehends the simplicity of energy (ALL) by the perceived complexity of its internal self segregation (which turns out to not be the simplest way to put it...). Let's try again...perceiving differences grows understanding of sameness aka complex back to simple.
Understanding therefore makes the hard (complex) easier (simple); yet the implied growth of potential happens within the ongoing loss of potentiality; so there's complexity to simplify by growing understanding.
In short...choice within balance implies struggle (resisting velocity); while ignoring it causes imbalance; which implies that less resistance still causes struggle; because choice of imbalance still operates within balance.
Symbolism (affixed suggested information); meaning (ongoing perceived inspiration). The choice in-between information (want) and inspiration (need) already implies being the formed representation of flow.
It doesn't communicate affixed numbers (01); it communicates moving ONEs to perceiving other ONEs. It isn't speech to perception; but sound to perception to choice to speech. The want for a translator is based on consent to creationism; while ignoring transmutation.
The former requires the struggle to grow understanding; the latter the temptation of a suggestion. Choose the former and ONE grows; choose the latter and ONE ignores growth for suggested loss by another ONE...a loss obfuscated by a distraction (exploitation of ignorance).
Chain of command suggesting the individual to ignore sustenance of self for submission to collective ignorance.
Once you perceive the few suggesting the many to put dicks everywhere; it goes from comedy back to tragedy.
How much can ONE have? ONE.
And ONEs lack of understanding about most of ALL.
Try resisting to use the ego; hence forming questions without words? This will inspire to directly adapt within momentum; hence enacting a question (mimicking flow) as the answer (responding form). This is where counting becomes handy; since one uses digits to touch stuff.
One can shortcut this by growing understanding of the foundation for all suggested terms (perceived sound reshaped by responding choice of ignorance).
Rich vs poor implies reasoning among the ignorant many; while the few represent those who suggest the value of everything the many are reasoning about.
Would you speak to your own kin unrestricted or fear the ever looming loss of control?
Question why you consent to call it a wallet; when the wall around the suggested value is so easily penetrable by those suggesting? Also; liquid assets don't have to be carried around...
I adapt to what inspires for the sustenance of self. I can do this with anyone or anything; but the less restricted mind of others also adapts; hence shaping less predictable inspiration through the lens of a different potential.
Resting within movement...reloading. Stop would imply arrest progress; which ignores energy. What you're doing is choosing to reduce resistance within the momentum; after you exhausted yourself by mimicking velocity. REST; noun - [Latin resto, from re (response) and sto (stop)]. A parasite sleight of hand for that is stop motion; an "animation" technique.
Twice daily at dawn and midday.
Form represents the state of semi-controlled (choice within balance) flowing.
"keeps" running represents the temptation of holding onto what is offered for utilization (need); not for acquisition (want). One needs to comprehend being processed as form within flow to be able to understand the consequences of holding onto wanted temptations.
Because the 0 was suggested as the substitute balance to count from; while the only real ONE represents the response to balance.
Measuring potential still requires one to respond to the inspiration thereof for growth; while resisting the temptation to want what is suggested for loss.
Give and ones shall receive seems to fit. "ye" is tied to "the" aka the parasitic catch all term as the inversion of natural connotations. They stripped them all out from Latin to Pig-Latin (English) and "the" is what we are suppose to play with.
Expectation (wanted outcome) corrupts receiving the fruits of ones needed labors, and giving requires as ONE in adherence to ALL for the sustenance of self (need); instead of towards others (want). Exponential growth will attract others anyway; who will then be needed for maintenance."I want some of your goat-milk" or "need someone for all that milk? I got some use for it!"
Let's add EXA'MEN, noun [Latin examen the tongue, needle or beam of a balance. It signifies also a swarm of bees.] so that we can both work on a little cluelessness. Does choice represent the beam of balance; or does ongoing flow represent the beam of balance; or maybe both?
From the flow perspective it pushes forward; from the form perspective it resists being pushed away, and in-between (momentum) it sustains duress (?).
Relax aka re (respond) lax (letting go). A sleight of hand for this one...how does Frankie goes to Hollywood "Relax" starts? "Mi-i-ine"..."Give it to you one time, now" and then "Relax, don't do it"..."When you want to go to it".
Meanwhile...work (energy) causes momentum through ongoing motion.
I never caught a boot; nor was I ever around when a boot was caught. Probably an allegory for fishing within flow (inspiration) for better footing (comprehension).
Maybe those who ignore balancing within the momentum of flow; are tempted to consent to suggested substitute flow (booze) within substitute momentum (bottle)?