What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
That implies idolizing the crop; instead of each ONEs responsibilit to sustain self by fertilizing the surrounding. This is how you get "Children of the Corn" and the horror it leads to.
IM'AGE, noun [Latin imago.] - "a representation or similitude of any person or thing, formed of a material substance". Form represents a re image of flow.
Need implies sustenance of life; want implies the ignorance thereof; hence being tempted towards death. We are deceiving ourselves to ignore this by reasoning about wanting vs not wanting death; which both are defined by death; hence ignorance of life. Try giving up breathing to understand that balance dominates free will of choice (free-dom). If you're defined by your wants then you're defined by death; while the ignorance of need will tempt you to endlessly justify what you want vs what you don't want. This would be an annoying issue on itself; but now we have the parasitic few ruthlessly exploiting just that with suggestions (towards both want and not want) and contradictions (towards both want and not want); and on top of that we also have an ignorant majority hostile to each other; while ignoring the existence of the few as-well.
That represents the justification for wanting to taste. Notice that real hunger first tempts with endless wanted tastes; then diminishes taste altogether into naked need for anything processable. Dedicated fasting represents a ritual to relearn the balance between hunger (need) and taste (want). This isn't about taking taste from you; but about you corrupting taste by tasting too much; while being tempted to want even more.
Balance represents the predefined value of need/want for the responding choice of evaluation thereof. Your question implies balance having choice. Balance does not need to choose; since it already represents ongoing balance; it's temporary choice that needs to balance by choosing.
Classic contradiction in terms...doing (implies something) nothing (implies ignoring something).
Not "our" selves; but ONEs self sustenance within ALL; which implies the self sustenance of the ONEness of ALL. Choice does not respond for balance or for other choices; but in response to balance; which grows potential of choice; which then benefits others. The favor was already given...from ALL to ONE aka temporary participation within conscious existence. Re-turning that favor simply re-presents re-sponding to it by choice; hence re-sponsibility. Meanwhile among humanity: "witness my benevolence...I recycle".
a) natural law (flow) is defined for those within (form); so it ain't out-law; but ignorance of being within law.
b) flow represents velocity; hence the force of law; which the parasitic few are inverting by suggesting law enforcement (law enforced upon mind aka suggestion of ignorance).
c) "free" will of choice is already apprehended within the "dom"inance of balance (free-dom). The parasitic few inverted this by sentencing to life imprisonment (imprison the mind) aka SEN'TENCE, noun [from Latin sententia, from sentio, to think.]
d) trying implies what? Free will of choice; while a court (jurisdiction) implies the legal (natural law) power (resistance) of authority (choice) of doing justice (mimicking flow); yet not upon each other; but in response to balance for the sustenance of self.
Consider the implication of figuring a way out of living life? What if the parasitic few simply suggest escapism to deceive one to ignore the only moment(um) ONE can exist within ALL?
LIB'ERTY, noun [Latin libertas, from liber, free.] aka the status quo of choice (free) within balance (dominance). The parasitic few are suggesting choices as paths towards (mimicking loss of flow) freedom; yet consenting to any suggested choice implies ignoring ones free will of choice to respond to dominance of balance. Which choice to freedom? ONEs free will of choice. Sleight of hand..."Back to life, back to reality"..."Back to the here and now".
Hierarchy of need aka fruits of ones labor aka exponential growth aka attracting others.
Energy to flow (loss) to momentum (balance) to form (growth).
ALL represents the soil for each ONE seed within. Others represent the temptation to uproot ONEself; or the inspiration to grow ONEself...depending on choice of response to balance (need/want).
We (ONEs) are within ongoing transmutation out of base (ALL).
Flow and form together represent the inherent power of energy aka loss/growth aka velocity/resistance etc.
Everything is energy; everything perceivable (form within momentum of flow) can be shaped by choice. Choose to rebrand a hot dog into a sandwich and there ya go; and if you think yourself of the Asian persuasion than consider resisting the temptation to make a sandwich out of a hot dog.
Hard to miss being within (momentum).
The implication of ONE (being within ALL) represents finite; while the implication of ALL (energy) represents infinite. Finite cannot reach infinite; since it's already with-in-finite.
Hold it or resist it...struggle on both sides; balance within.
Try to choose to not to breathe. The resulting dominance will put your choice back into place.
A masturbation allegory?
What's two for ONE who doesn't ignore everything perceived for nothingness suggested? Another suggestion.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik?
ONEself within ALL implies ALL at disposal of each ONE. The overkill assumption stems from ONE trying to claim (want) ALL instead of using it (need).
Because they respond to balance; instead of suggested imbalances.
Trying and doing and every other reaction implies in response to the source of action (energy).
Sense implies sensing aka perceiving moving input through senses.
Question about implies contemplation of observation...I presume?
Flow doesn't offer brands to form; form has to choose to ignore flow first when suggesting brands to others. ONE doesn't need any words to communicate with ALL.
"Civilization" is a Class XIV scam!
Civilizing those within through means of suggestion aka domestication of choice.
Once again a need/want (balance) issue.
Distinguishing represents growth potential; hence a skill to learn/teach.
Great point...repetition of balance tempts imbalance.
I come back to you once I figured out the layers of numerical encoding they utilize underneath ever suggested language. They are trained to perceived numbers underneath words; which makes it that much easier to cohesively demunize the many who babble idolatry all throughout their lives.
Still the order out of chaos suggestion at play; and still the unquestioned weakness of ignorance within the many; tempting the next best few to exploit them even more viciously. The whole game of thrones represents suggested cult of personalities to put exchangeable faces before those wearing identities as masks in the background; while the faceless corporation racket then allowed the few to deceive the many to mask themselves (first through internet personas and now literally).
Your resistance to their suggestions represents your resistance to the temptation of ignorance; the same ignorance that fuels the few vs many reasoning. Each one needs to resist ignorance (want over need) anyway; yet all the reasoning about suggested information drives the very choice of ignorance causing in into...well...ignorance. Tackling that ignorance would make suggestion impotent; yet the last thing the ignorant wants to tackle is his own ignorance, and so back into the game he goes.
That represents choosing to not want suggested intent; hence consent to suggestion; to reasoning about suggestion and to ignore need for want. How would you touch abortion without touching either pro-life or pro-choice? Wouldn't any choice imply pro-choice?
Intent represents want for outcome; choice represents need of response. Need sustains life; want tempts towards death. Intent is only buried under self imposed ignorance (want over need).
A choice within balance. As for non-selection...how could choice not select within balance?
At first one realizes the suggested flow allegories by the few more and more often; which eventually leads to understanding about form (life) within flow (inception towards death) not being able to express anything without expressing it out of flow. Even ignorance implies what is ignored, and what ignoring represents the response to. As for heat...flow causes momentum; which causes form; which represents velocity meeting resistance; which causes heat.
Flow defines the law; yet only form within flow is bound to it. The farthest downstream from ALL represents ONE.
Those imply the suggested laws of men by the few and consented to by the many; hence the rite aka formal act of religion; from religo - "to bind anew" aka choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) in ignorance of balance/choice (natural bond of offer/consent aka sound/resound etc.)
The root (vireo) of value represents balance for evaluating choice within. This value (balance) is being ignored by choice when consenting to suggested value by the choice of others; hence causing degeneration by ignorance of self sustenance.
Value equals balance (momentum) caused by flow (velocity); which defines responding choice of form (resistance); yet choice within balance implies need (resistance) and want (ignorance); hence being tempted to go along with velocity while ignoring to resist.
Move (choice); good to move (suggested choice); always been moving (balance); fined for failing to move regularly (imbalance caused by consenting to suggested choice; giving those suggesting it the power over those consenting to it).
At the foundation of choice is always self sustenance within balance; so need represents the ongoing; while the ever changing circumstances represent the temporary, and the temporary is what tempts one to want to ignore the ongoing need.
Perceived inspiration (input); choice to respond or ignore (processing); comprehended information (output). Input to processing to output represents internal reaction of ONE to ALL.
Potential is needed to be more sufficient at sustaining life; hence the struggle to grow it while living.