What Really Happened In The Past?
It is a broad, but fascinating topic for our round table this time. In this hectic time of change, with major new conspiracies regularly being unearthed, we should be reminded of, and appreciate, those who tried to preserve an accurate telling of past events in the face of cover-ups, white-washes, propaganda and blatant ignorance.
Many things in history did not happen as we are told in state education and main stream sources. What example do you have? Which topic do you find most intriguing?
Thanks to everyone who made a suggestion and voted and to u/Gottmituns for the winning suggestion.
I forgot to mention in my long post about Michigan copper found in the Mediterranean, and giant piles of sea shells in Caribbean, and more recently LIDAR found massive cities in the jungles of Guatemala of the mayans and more in the Amazon basin of who knows what. There is physical proof in many places that they lie about history.
You bring up a good point that often gets over looked. Metal alloys are clear evidence of intelligent design that would survive some extreme events
Bronze Age America - https://www.amazon.com/Bronze-Age-America-Barry-Fell/dp/0316277711
theory about nordics trading into michigan for copper.