I was never swabbed before I got my first symptoms. Just a mild cold, but noticed I couldn't smell a candle my wife had put out. Later I tried to taste apricots, but nothing.
This was the most annoying part, lasted about a week or so, and it was over.
Most covid stories are just attention seeking people, fatties, sickos, or hysterics. I witnessed my mother in law, supposedly so sick from covid, yet perfectly able to call my father in law and yell at him.
Do some people have bad cases? Sure some people have a bad flu or bad cold too, but vast majority don't. It's all BS.
I was never swabbed before I got my first symptoms. Just a mild cold, but noticed I couldn't smell a candle my wife had put out. Later I tried to taste apricots, but nothing.
This was the most annoying part, lasted about a week or so, and it was over.
Most covid stories are just attention seeking people, fatties, sickos, or hysterics. I witnessed my mother in law, supposedly so sick from covid, yet perfectly able to call my father in law and yell at him.
Do some people have bad cases? Sure some people have a bad flu or bad cold too, but vast majority don't. It's all BS.