So I was discussing general conspiracy theories with someone and the subject of flat Earth came up. I'm not very knowledgeable on this so I didn't do a great job explaining why someone would think the Earth is flat.
Can anyone give me the main reason why flat Earthers believe what they believe? I gather it's an elite/resources thing to restrict the plebs from some amazing hidden area that is off limits. Something to do with Antarctica?
What are the top 5 reasons people can justify this claim with that haven't already been debunked? I tried to have a look myself but there is a whole lot of crazy out there on this subject.
Still at it eh Old man? Found anyone with an education above grade 7 to support you? Nope, didn't think so.
Folks, this fuck wit is so moronically stupid he can look at every planet and star, see that they are all round yet for some reason thinks Zoltar the magic space invader made his planet flat and his sun really small. lol.
Mr round earth, my friend. What a dipshit to come out and insult with such flame and whimper. Fuck off savman. Show a NASA pic fanboy.
Listen folks to this ....
I rattle with this fuckwit a couple months ago, ask him for a picture of the earth that doesn't come from NASA. Simple resolution.
Sooo, mr bonehead sends me,...wait on it....a China pic!!! Yup, a lot of education running rampant in that empty head.
Fuck off again?
"this fuckwit"
Hey no fair, you're using my euphemisms.