We can preserve everything that we currently do. We can use the money amongst ourselves and even create a new exchange system if we want. We already have many people as doctors, policemen, and lawyers to make our own autonomous country or countries.
Just don't feed the snake that bites you. If you realize that you are a slave, why would you continue to pay the rich? Cut them off of your taxes and anything else that we grant them to lie to us again and again. We don't need to fix the system, we need to replace it. 99% of your government is corrupt and we don't have time to go for them one by one. We can make a new country and the honest 1% will come to us.
To do that, we need land and internal ways of communication. They don't want to be around unvaccinated or conspiracy fact-checkers... Then so be it.
We can make our own community exactly how we want it to be made!
Not "the" nation...a nation represents a people. "the" represents the suggested idol "nation" that deceives its people to become its followers. This is why the many have no defense against an African being placed into Europe and then called European.
Nations do not exist; they represent suggested branding of the many by the few; who use those idols to exploit the ignorance of the many.
Same exploitation of ignorance here. Choice represents response to balance; which implies that balance represents ALL value and responding choice within ONEs evaluation thereof. How to corrupt this? Suggest substitute value (money) to deceive the many to ignore evaluation by choice for balancing, and just like that the consented to money causes imbalance for everyone.
Rich vs poor represents want vs not want (conflict of reason) caused by consenting to suggested money.
Form (life) cannot preserve anything within flow (inception towards death); it represents a choice within a balance (need/want) for temporary resistance (growth) within ongoing movement (loss). That which remains of form within flow represents the shared identity of self...blood within bloodline causing the spread of RACE, noun [Latin radix; radius; radiate.] aka the expression of ONE (form) within ALL (flow).
Preserve implies want over need, and the parasitic few suggest the many all the tools to hold onto as much as possible; while always suggesting them to want more. A simply temptation racket. Filling up memory with history; science; nostalgia; captured memories (pictures); hope and fear towards; calendars full of that which was; is and will be; endless suggested names; dates; events; locations; regurgitated stories and so on.
SYS'TEM, noun [Latin systema; Gr. to set.] What sets form (life)? Flow (inception towards death) does. The beast system of the few represents the fiction (suggested information) the many ignore reality (perceived inspiration) for.
What each one needs is to use choice in response to balance (need/want) instead upon suggested choices (want vs not want) by others aka responding to natural law; the only real system that sets us. Form represents the temporary replacement for all the form that was and the gatekeeper for the growth of all the form that will be.
Govern (to control) + ment; from mens (mind) represents the ignorance of the ONE towards the ALL; in exchange for consent to the suggestions of another ONE aka representative governments; causing the many ignoring to represent the ONEs with the choice to submit to the few representing the "chosen ones".
Numbers such as 99% are suggested to deceive you to ignore the ONE aka ONEself.
ONE can shape ALL that is into whatever one chooses; but ONE cannot create new into ALL. Our ignorance of transmutation (out of everything) for suggested creationism (out of nothing) is what allows the few to shape the many with alchemy...transmutation (ONE) out of base (ALL).
It's called choice responding to balance for ONEs resonance with ALL. That represents needed communication; while wanted agreement vs not agreement among choice over suggested meaning represent miscommunication within balance aka imbalance; causing dissonance. Languages do not represent communication (only resonance does); they represent the few suggesting idolized meaning (words) to deceive the many to respond to perceived sound.
ONE within ALL represents an insane (in sanus aka within sound) person (per sonos aka by sound); and believing the suggested meaning of "insane person" by the few represents falling for their inversion of reality through spell-craft.
Sorry, but you sound like a grammar nazi on acid. :D I really didn't think someone would explain to me what I've said in my own post, but here you are.
How about you replace the words that bother you and look for the meaning, instead of nitpicking so much that you never focus on the meaning of the post. Just FYI.
What if...all suggested words represent ignorance of perceived meaning? What if one perceives sound; while other ones shape it into words to then suggest it as idolized meaning to others; which when consented to; deceives one to ignore meaning within perceived sound (need); while reasoning (want vs not want) about suggested meaning by others as words?
As for focusing on meaning of post...any post suggested represents the temptation for me to choose to want or not want to consent to it. If I do; I would find myself reasoning with all the others aka within a conflict caused by my consent to the suggested post.
Do I need to consent to a suggested conflict? Notice that I don't offer (no new threads) nor judge (no up/down votes); instead I adapt to what inspires me aka choice of need (perceived inspiration) over want (suggested information).
How about instead of judging others to nitpick and ignore what you suggest in your posts; you ask yourself why all suggested can be ignored and nitpicked? Do others have the free will of choice to do so and what causes them to have that choice? Isn't choice a response to balance? If so; why are we reasoning about choice vs choice agreements vs disagreements?
As for your post...rebelling against the system. Does that sound like a fresh approach by the many to show the few who's boss? What if that never works; because it represents a "wanted" temptation that ignore "needed" self sustenance? Doesn't against others imply ignorance of self?
Ask yourself...can you boycott natural law? If not...why do you believe you can boycott anything within it? Also; when you say "rich pawns" it implies that money represents a tool to steer both poor and rich, and yet you choose to go against the money; instead of allowing yourself to ask why both poor and rich among the many can be fooled by suggested money from the few?
Why don't the rich use money; why don't the poor have money; and why do no other life-forms need money? What if your choice of evaluation gives the suggested money its value; which is then in return used to devalue your choice of evaluation?
Either you are a bot malfunctioning or more stoned than Snoop Dogg to say so incoherent things like that. I am serious. I've read stupid things but you win without a doubt. You only say the same thing - nothing is real. But you use more words to sound more intelligent but you don't even get how stupid you sound by using more and more of the exact statements.
"What if one perceives sound; while other ones shape it into words to then suggest it as idolized meaning to others; which when consented to; deceives one to ignore meaning within perceived sound (need); while reasoning (want vs not want) about suggested meaning by others as words?" - Wow. Let me educate you.
If the message is a sound - it would be perceived as sound. If the message is written - it will be perceived as written. If the message is ignorant as yours - it will be perceived as ignorant. You try to add more words to sound intelligent which can work with some idiots usually but unfortuntately for you and me, I do understand what you mean and I know you don't have the slightest idea of what are you talking about. That's sad.
Such message can only deceive if the one who hears/reads it allows this to happen. Same logic can be presented for your comment - same argument would mean that your own words are deceptive and false. Too bad you're not as intelligent to understand the meaning of a paradox or a logical fallacy.
The meaning of the sound is what is being perceived as information regardless if it is written or heard - it equals the same amount of information internally, even though externally can hold different information. Again, you just confirm yourself wrong.
If the same example you talk about is reasoning (want vs not want) then it may not be deceived as you've stated just earlier in the same sentence. :D Paradox king.
Suggested meaning? Obviously, you never studied etymology of words. Have you wondered why people everywhere will give the same sounds when they are afraid, astounded, happy, laughing, etc.? No, you haven't. You're just happy to write confusing statements that may fool the regular reader. Not me.
I get your situation. There was someone in your life who put a shadow over you that was hard to escape. Just don't make it my problem going forward. Most people wouldn't get what you are talking about and politely will divert the subject or think of an escape plan. However, in rare times you come up to someone like me - someone who understands what you are saying and sees beyond the mask of intelligence that you often put on, someone who will expose you for what you really are. And you are that - A FAKE.
I don't need to go through all the other nonsense that will give me the information of who exactly in your life caused this but I seriously cannot care less about it. As neither should anyone else. I already wasted more time on this comment than you on bettering yourself. I know you will act either ignorant or violent towards such a criticism but you have to hear it from someone. And the rest should know that they don't have to feel inferior just because they don't understand you. If you are unable to present your thought in a short and logical manner than you don't even get the meaning of your own thought - FACTS.
Don't bother people with your comments anymore. You only confuse and delay. Chatting with you means time lost. Do something productive for society, don't just draw from it like a pest. I would honestly feel better about you if I knew for a fact that you were just a bot malfunctioning.
Aka responding by wanting vs not wanting suggested information; while ignoring perceived inspiration. What does an escape plan look like when "flow/form" represents the information they don't get? How does one walk away from that without being aware of ones own ignorance?
See; science; religion and politics are all designed around the conflict of reason and therefore suggest endless tools for ignorance to exploit; yet when facing offer/consent aka balance/choice; then all these tools become impotent for ignorance. This is where talmudic reasoning is used to attempt to undermine the source; which so far I cornered down to accusations of being a bot or on drugs.
Turns out; both suggested praise and insults represent the temptation for one to ignore positioning as choice within balance aka as ONEs evaluation within ALL predefined value. It doesn't matter what others want or not want me to be; for I already am, and in need to sustain myself as form within flow.
"all seeing eye" others suggest; "ALL seeing I am".
Nature offers ALL to each ONE...no masquerading of input. Intelligence represents individual understanding of collective knowledge perceived; not regurgitating what others suggest. It is the conflict of reason that tempts the many to perceive understanding as competition; while ignoring that it implies ONEs resonance with ALL balance for the sustenance of ONEself.
Masquerading information (secrecy) represents the response to ignoring ALL inspiration for the suggested information by other ONEs. The few withhold what the many want; while everything is offered to every ones choice of need; yet need demands struggle; while want represents temptation and so here we are.
For what? What do I offer? What's the intent? Being a snake-tongue against the "truth"; when I call out both states of "true" and "false" as being caused by reasoning (want vs not want) over suggested information?
How is "free-will-of-choice" deceptive? Could it be that those who self restrict their free will of choice by submission to the will of others; perceive what they "consented" to read; as offensive to their consented to belief systems? Yet what if others get inspired to use free will of choice instead of ignoring it...not my free will of choice; but their own?
Expose me for what? Representing inspiration for some and a pain in the ass of ignorance for others? It's your choice. Do what you want; but consider need beforehand...
Why would I consent to suggested critic-ism; when I call out all -isms constantly? I adapt to what inspires; while resisting the temptation to consent to any suggested information (-isms) by others. How could I be in a conflict of reason without consenting to the suggested -ism to reason about first? What if one doesn't need what another one wants or not wants?
So instead of questioning the implied inferiority complex triggered by suggested information; you suggest to ignore the information; which tempts them to consent to believe you; hence feeding their inferiority complex.
What is the difference between that behavior and the parasites suggesting barbiturates (pharmaceuticals) to deceive the sick to ignore the symptoms of their sickness; while getting sicker and sicker?
Also; if knowledge represents ALL perceived; then suggesting what others "should know" implies reacting in the name of (in nomine) ALL perceived reality. What if that is what's tempting others into an inferiority complex?
a) ALL through movement towards each ONE within. Short/length of ONE based on choice responding to ALL balance.
b) Logic represents reason (conflict); which represents ignorance of balance.
c) FACT, noun [Latin factum, from facio, to make or do.]...what if ONE was made by ALL and does responding to it?
"Text...why do you persecute me so much...stop tempting me to read you...you rhetorical scoundrel...I don't wanna be friends we you anymore...begone text...you are nothing but scribble...you will never be like the others...text; you're my arch nemesis...I wrote prose when you couldn't even spell...muh-hahaha...how dare you text?"
Meanwhile; I just keep adapting to whatever inspires. Thank you very much.
Being moved from inception towards death implies life being balance oriented; hence within momentum, while being tempted to be concerned over delays or lost anything. We represent temporary growth within ongoing loss; it's ones consent to believe in suggested time as affixed states (past; present and future) corrupting one from understanding this; even when the parasites suggested such an obvious sleight of hand...tick; tick; tick...
What if society represents the domestication of free will through suggestion by the few upon the many? How often will mankind fall for the same nation and civilization racket; before questioning their consent towards being fed as form right back into flow? Simple alchemy...ONEs transmutation out of base ALL.
As in being ONE within ALL expressing the ONEness of ALL aka a differentiation (potential) expressing sameness (potentiality).
Nothing represents ONEs choice within everything (ALL) to ignore it for the affixed suggestion of no; not; nothing; nothingness.
Reasoning (want vs not want) over any suggestion (fiction); while ignoring need (reality) is what represents the perceived conflict between reality vs fiction aka everything vs nothing. Yet "versus" implies choice and choice is defined as response to "balance" aka coexistence of natural opposites...balance represents reality; versus represents fiction.
Nature does neither brand reality; nor offer fiction (it moves everyone within); we shape brands (words) out of perceived reality; which ignores perceived moving inspiration for affixed suggested information; which we uphold as conscious memory (stagnation); while ignoring to respond as choice to balance (adaptation).
a) INTEL'LIGENT, adjective [Latin intelligens.] - "understanding". Each ONE knows (perception) ALL; yet lacks understanding (comprehension) thereof. This is where adaptation by choice to perceived (inspiration) grows comprehended (information) aka ONEs growth potential within the loss of ALL potentiality.
b) I adapt to perceived inspiration; while resisting suggested information, which is why I can transmute inspiration from infinite input; instead of being restricted to the suggested finite information by others. I write so much for the sustenance of self; instead of for others; which in return grows my potential; which helps all those around me.
c) I don't "want" to sound; I represent the response to sound; while struggling for the need to resonate with it to express ALL through ONEself.
STUPID, adjective [Latin , to be stupefied - "to stop"]. As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) the source for perceived sound is ongoing; while those perceiving represent the temporary within aka movement and response to being moved; while "stop" implies the cessation of motion; hence representing ONEs ignorance (choice of want over need) towards ALL for the suggestion of others.
How does nature communicate to your senses to "stop"? Think about this while you're breathing...
a) What if you lack understanding of growth; based on ignorance towards differentiation for assumed sameness?
b) EXACT', adjective [Latin exactus, from exigo, to drive; ex and ago. Gr. to drive, urge or press.] - "conformed to rule" aka an allegory for form out of flow.
c) statement implies STATE, noun [Latin , to stand, to be fixed.] and MENT, form mens (mind) aka a contradiction to a mind within the momentum (balance) of movement; hence responding by choice to perceived input.
a) you just wrote "how stupid you sound"; yet did I say a word? Did you hear me make a sound? Yet it seems that you reading text was perceived by you as sound...
b) flow to momentum to form; causing friction; vibration and resonance in-between as communication of sound towards insane (in sanus aka within sound) and person (per sonos aka by sound). In other words velocity (flow) meeting resistance (form) is being perceived as the response to sound.
MES'SAGE, noun [Latin missus, mitto, to send.] It's the velocity of flow causing momentum that sends form into it as the response to forward (beginning towards end) movement. Now how many books did nature publish? Is it the lack of written material from nature based on writers blockage or are the readers too ignorant towards perceived movement representing the "flow of inspiration" for all writers within to shape their lyrical digestion out of?
How many writers are kvetching about lack of inspiration...well; guess what they ignore? Everything (needed inspiration for wanted information). In short; go outside and wait...when will writing become needed?
That does not represent understanding (perception to choice to comprehension); it represents the corruption thereof (suggestion to choice to submission). For choice (evaluation) all meaning is within balance (value); not within the suggested information by others.
The suggested education system is based on students seeking (want) information; in return for submission to teachers suggesting it. This represents domestication of free will by means of suggestion. Under natural law; offer/consent aka balance/choice implies that teach/learn represents coexisting natural opposites for the sustenance of self in-between; which is why to teach self represents to learn for self and vice versa.
ONE does not need to submit to another ONE to comprehend perceived ALL; yet ONE needs to resist the temptation to want to fall for what others are suggesting.
IDE'A, noun [Latin idea; Gr. to see, Latin video.] aka perception; which implies ONE perceiving ALL. Nature represents the inspiration for everyone within to respond to aka the one and only idea; which our parasites corrupt by suggesting that every one can have "ideas"; which in return allows the few control over all suggested ideas by the many (copyright of intellectual property racket).
Who suggested you that words represent meaning and that languages represent communication of meaning...nature or the choice of those within? You were domesticated by your own parents; starting with the brand you consented to submit to...your name. Nature doesn't brand anything and you don't need to consent to any brands to exist as the response to nature.
You consented by choice to written text; then used choice to disagree to meaning of suggested information (words) perceived; while also choosing to use this as justification to pass judgements upon perceived others; while sitting alone in-front of a screen. That represents ignorance of perceived inspiration (communication) for suggested information (miscommunication). That represents self deception; perpetuated through suggestion towards others, and based upon consent to idolized meaning (words) aka spell-craft.
The many are deceived to use the tools of suggested words; which when consented to; allows the few to shape the idolized meaning at will; while the many a) corrupt their understanding and b) are stuck within the hamster-wheel of reasoning (want vs not want) over the ever changing suggested meanings.
LOG'IC, noun [Latin id; Gr. from reason]. If you apply reason (conflict) upon suggested information; then all is perceived through the lens of conflict; which is why one then perceives arguments; deception and falseness. Show me where nature communicates false information to our senses?
Try to use implication (if/then) over reason (want vs not want; true vs false; good vs bad; believing versus not believing etc.) to resist the temptation to ignore balance for imbalance (versus).
Furthermore; when you write "same"; it implies the ONEness of ALL; out of which we each represent the differentiated ONE within ALL; yet you are deceived to attached sameness upon differences.
PAR'ADOX, noun [Gr. beyond and opinion] + OPINION, noun [Latin opinio, from opinor, to thing]. As one thing within everything; you represent the paradox the formed thing after the flowing everything. The parasites inverted this by suggesting that we can make opinions; yet we only have the option to shape ourselves out of what's offered.
Logic (reason) represents want vs not want (fiction) in ignorance of need (reality); hence perceiving falseness (fallacy); when reasoning over true vs false. Go at any fallacy by implication; while resisting reason and watch what happens?
Look at the fucking word "information" aka within form. Now look at "inspiration" aka within SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe, to blow. The primary sense is to rush or drive.] aka out of flow.
The ONEness of ALL (energy) represents information; the internal balance of flow/form within implies a self segregation of ALL collective flow into individual ONE forms, and as form within flow; ONE perceives ALL as moving inspiration; which ONE then can transmute comprehended information out of by choice of reaction (need over want).
Different perspective...if flow represents electric velocity and the responding form represents magnetic resistance; then to sustain resistance within the momentum of velocity requires input of electric (perception) into magnetic (comprehension). Meanwhile being temporary form within ongoing flow implies being constantly tempted to ignore the struggle to adapt to balance (need) for what others are suggesting (want); hence magnetic desperately trying to accumulate more magnetic; while ignoring that only electric input allows growth of magnetic potential.
Simpler perspective...choice represents the response to balance; therefore balance represents value of ALL meaning; while responding choice represents ONEs evaluation thereof for balancing. On a treadmill (ongoing flow) you (temporary form) stay "in-fom" by adapting to "in-spirit" as choice within balance.
The origin of sound represents sameness (ALL); those within responding to it represent differentiation (ONEs). Why? To establish temporary growth (form) out of ongoing loss (flow). Adhering by choice to need over want aka self sustenance of ignorance therefore represents resonance to sound; which allows ONE to grow self as an expression out of ALL. How can ONE grow towards ALL without challenging ALL position? By ONE being temporary (potential) and ALL being ongoing (potentiality). ONE cannot reach ALL; hence being within momentum (balance).
You perceive wrong vs right; which represents you choosing to not want the information suggested over you wanting them. a) you lack to understand that you already consented to want over need aka suggested information over perceived inspiration when reasoning (want vs not want) over it and b) I didn't suggest; I never start threads (no offer); I adapt to what inspires me for the sustenance of self; not to participate in or "win" the conflict of reason.
I don't judge what others write as right vs wrong (reason); I use implication (if/then) to put whatever they suggest into the perspective of natural law (flow upon form); because if flow; then form. If you resist believing that I suggest information; then you wouldn't perceive right vs wrong.
ETYMOL'OGY, noun [Gr. true, and discourse.] - "the origin and derivation of words". So the origin of words implies true discourse [Latin , to run.]; hence flow running form; yet true implies versus false...how can flow (velocity) run "false" information towards form (resistance)?
The origin of all words represents choice shaping it our of perceived sound; while attaching idolized meaning to it; which when suggested to others deceives them to ignore the origin of sound (perception) for shaped sound by choice (suggestion). A parasite exploiting ignorance of reality; by setting up a layer of fiction upon it through suggested idolized meaning.
Resonance as differentiation (form) to sameness of source (flow). The parasites can only corrupt the layers on top of the foundation (tower of BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] - "confusion; disorder" allegory). Despite being ignorant towards source; as choice within balance; we are still demanded to adapt to being within momentum, so instinctively we respond to resonance with the ever changing surroundings.
This is also why the parasites use suggested fear and comedy as enter-tame-mind...corruption of instincts by utilizing suggestions specifically towards the predominate instinctive responses.
What if I shape words to make ignorance uncomfortable aka stripping the meaning of words down to prevent ignorance using them as a tool to hide behind? Ignorance is what inspires me and I grow my understanding by adapting to it; while resisting the suggested information shaped out of ignorance (choice of want over need) by others. It's tempting to reason with others; but their ignorance is so much more revealing when used as inspiration (everything is).
What if instead of nothing you; it's everything you? As ONE within ALL ask yourself...who else?
It took me nearly a decade to allow myself to question the laws of nature without the religious connotations, and after I did and comprehension clicked, there was no other to blame for my ignorance. Still isn't. The parasitic few represent a direct response to the ignorance of the many. Others are circumstantial within constant change; ignorance represents the choice to ignore it, and choice represents the response to balance. One needs to struggle within balance to grow and express resonance; which will re balance the dissonance through ignorance.
I'm also over the want for escape; because I comprehend that "free" will of choice represents the response to the "dom"inance of balance aka free-dom. The ignorance of others tempts them seek escape from the status quo without understanding that free exists within dominance aka resistance within velocity.
Check this out...PROB'LEM, noun [Latin problema; Gr. to throw forward, and to throw; Latin pello.] aka form out of flow. ONE represents the "problem" out of ALL aka temporary chaos (form) out of ongoing order (flow).