posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +4 / -0

A common misconception is that when the "1 month" "Final Solution" lockdowns come in, there will be at least some sort of resistance happening (and yes this is predictably coming since the return of lockdowns in Europe proving they can and will do EVERYTHING to move the goalposts).

Unfortunately, people will not resist. Whatever forces resisting had proven their determination now and it's safe to say it wasn't sufficient -- if it would even be, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong will be ignoring mask mandates.

But if you want damning evidence people will not resist if all governments start locking down and destroying their own economy in lockstep for a decade, look no further to Stalinist Russia.

Whole groups of INDEPENDENT UKRANIAN FARMERS and fully armed Cossacks starving to death and put freely under the machinations of Lenin and Stalin. No firearm will save anyone from STARVATION and the purge. (Guns are only for independent bandits, not systematic political collapse)

It's clear that the governments will take care of all the rural independent farmers this way as well. "You either produce food for the sake of the "global community" and leave 3 rations for yourself or we deny you water and electricity". Viola.

As for the Urbanites and the reminder of the worldwide population? Even disregarding that they don't even have guns (and they will be useless in scenarios like this) there will be no resistance at all. The soft, cushy Gen Z will be astonished, shocked and basically put under the mercy of everything their governments pushed. Yes they will just sit there, starve and die. Just think of the Khmer Rouge. The whole thing ran entirely unopposed and the only reason people cared is (what I think is a staged move) Pol Pot aggroed on Vietnam and committed politicide.

It's a telltale sign when mask mandates are entirely unopposed for 20 months and going in Asia and in Holland and Austria there are no protests against the renewed lockdowns. Zero.

So yeah, once they make the declaration that you are not getting back to normal and everything before a goalpost, whatever comes next will go unopposed.

Show them that the revolutionaries should fuck off before the bodies start rolling. Do not turn this into another page of dark human history.