posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +10 / -0

I repeat. Since around November of last year I had been doing LITERALLY NOTHING if I could but warn everyone that the pandemic is a world revolution intended to do as much damage as the elites could to modern civilization until the whole scam was inevitably taken down.

It is not a pharma scam, it is not about vaccines, it IS the "Dark ages" of the 21st century. It's not a "Dark Ages" or a "Dark Century" per sec but it will be a decade-long blackout.

At first it was a literal neverending scamdemic that will lead to mass cannibalism and the elites become Gods ruling over test tube humans.

Then it was a bit too ridiculous, I thought. Eventually after comparing what did the Khmer Rouge regime do to unleash a Great Reset compared to Covid World in general, I noticed everything was ominously similar, and the results will predictably be the same.

When you come out to the other side of the tunnel, you will no longer be able of standing up straight, and your eyes will be locked into the past.

I had been constantly stressing this out wherever I could. Unfortunately, I felt like I was constantly yelling into an abyss, getting nothing but upvotes or downvotes and no valid response, and those who respond out of here usually call me a schizo.

Something to note is that many perceive vaccines as the final goal of covid-19. Unfortunately, the fixation of the vaccination aspects will simply be proven as a persecution complex of the American mind, as the vaccines, while vile, will be overshadowed and put to shame by the grand termination of the modern era through silent demolition.