Lazar lied thru his teeth. His very first interview with Knapp only happened because the Australian fighter pilot kanpp orginally was supposed to interview pulled a no-show and John Leer hooked him up with a last minute replacement who was Lazar. Leer and Lazar knew each other cus they ran/participated in some big fire works and gun shows in the desert. You wanna know the real secrets about Lazar? Look into the brothel he was running and how he married a hooker the same day his first wife ended up dead.
Lazar lied thru his teeth. His very first interview with Knapp only happened because the Australian fighter pilot kanpp orginally was supposed to interview pulled a no-show and John Leer hooked him up with a last minute replacement who was Lazar. Leer and Lazar knew each other cus they ran/participated in some big fire works and gun shows in the desert. You wanna know the real secrets about Lazar? Look into the brothel he was running and how he married a hooker the same day his first wife ended up dead.