I recently posted about the idea of having group projects as this is a great group of thinking and helping people, so I guess we can combine our efforts to take matters in our own hands and actually make a bigger difference than what we are doing now.
We all know the short attention span of people and their unwillingness to follow a topic until the end. The NWO group is already using memes and pictures to spread misinformation about many topics, but we can use the same method for good. You might be familiar with pepe the frog or kek-memes - all their propaganda until someone else adopts it and continue to share their targeted misinformation agenda.
So, the project is aiming to have a collection of pictures or at least ideas of such pictures to simply question the current "science" of vaccines, lockdowns, covid, etc. I study psychology and I have been quite successful in convincing my family and friends to seek more than what is shown on the tv. Why is this important? Because I understood that people are not really stupid, they are just lazy to check further and that's why they go with the official narrative. However, if you present simple questions for them that are showing how the official narrative is illogical - they will continue to look for information on their own. The fact that they have been lied to will fuel their curiousity into finding more about the current situation. Basically, think of filling a cup that is already full - you need to remove the current liquid first.
I am not good with photoshop but I guess I can make some rough memes on paint (please don't judge me), if no one is up for this task. I would still appreciate your ideas of questions that show the logical fallacy of the current mandates or anything connected to the current situation.
I will start with the following that served to convince the people around me to think logically about the situation:
- If the virus is so dangerous, why are the people, who promote that, not following their own mask and lockdown rules?
- If people were shown dropping on the ground in China when covid news began, why an year and a half later we see nothing similar, not even a single case?
- If politicians steal money from the people, why do you think they care for you now?
- If lockdowns didn't help the first year, why are they continuing to use them now?
- How come Bill Gates "predicted" that his investments in vaccine research will pay off in such a way? Was he short in cash?
- Why are they giving away products for people who got the vaccine? Do they really care about your health?
- Why are movies today so focused to show that humankind is coming to an end? Can that help the paranoia from the virus?
- Why are doctors and medical researchers fired for speaking against the vaccine? Vaccines kill - this is a documented fact. And a new RNA vaccine will definitely have side-effects.
- Long-term side-effects of the vaccine are not even made so far. Want to roll the dice with the vaccine or your own immune system?
*If anyone needs materials for pictures, I have a big collection of vaccine-related topics, so I can help if anyone needs something specific.
i'm pretty good at Photoshop. I also have the whole adobe creative collection.
YES! Thank you for that! Can I ask you for some pictures?
I will finish the structure in a bit. Feel free to suggest any idea on how good pictures/memes would look like. The main point is to present undeniable facts that will serve to help anyone, no matter how educated, to understand the current situation with vaccines, lockdowns or else.
I Don,t fully have any ideas as of what content these memes will have, but in my opinion, its all about releasing a steady flow of eye pleasing and professional looking , appealing info-graphs, or info-memes shall we say into the msm as best we can. and i have and idea of what they llok like i my head, i just nede the content
Perfect, Bellatrix!!! That is what I needed from this post.
Please consider the questions that were posted as content. Otherwise, consider your own ideas or perhaps the following:
Please consider the following and any new ideas are welcome. The aim is to make even the most uneducated person alert about the lies of political leaders/vaccine mandates/ lockdowns/ etc. I agree that it has to be more professional looking and I will highly appreciate your help. I will contact you once I have a firm structure of several ideas to be put into a meme or a picture.
I have a database of helpful videos if you need something specific, just let me know the content that you imagine will fit best. Otherwise, I will contact you once I have a clear content of my own (or suggested). I really appreciate your activity!
P.S.: Just saw I already added you in the list. Sorry for repeating myself in this comment but I will present new ideas when done with the content. If you want something specific, don't hestitate to reach me.
ok cool, ill have to think about what to put on these memes , but anything and any ideas just let me know.. this was the idea i had in my head for an example.. except just take the polar opposite point. use their same medicine.:
it would be helpful if you want to litereally draw (on a paper,napkin, somthing jotted quickly) liek a rough draft , and doesnt have to be pretty at all, just roughly position things , proviode the info and ill make it look pretty
Great idea! I've replied to you in another comment with other ideas but that one is superb!
Let's see. Using the same columns, I will begin from left to right.
Something of this sort. I see now that I will have to search for the proper numbers and details to be added in this and we should probably move this in personal communication or however it is called on this site. But this idea is way better than the others I've sent, it can practically combine a lot of them and this would be a great tool to inform the people. So, that's from me for now. Thanks a lot for this!
dont mind grammar . typing fast
Alright, I have the following ideas to put in pictures, let me know if you want the sources or any additional materials, but they are quite easily found.
Now, I don't have a clever way to put these in, or interesting way for this to look so it is captivating for people. However, it can clearly show the illogical and suspicious actions involved in these vaccine mandates.
Again, this is not required from you and you can either do or do not do it. However, I will appreciate any ideas you might have that are connected to this.
wow i apologize, i paced on this website, totally forgot i was actually involved in something . any sketches?
Not at all. Actually I found several places where they post memes and pictures regularly for us to share or as you are capable - to re-do for our best interests. I will copy the message here so you have the sources:
I've recently found several places that constantly post great pictures and memes to be freely used for whatever purpose we see fit. I post them here so they are visible and you can use them to spread the word. I am making a database in free sites for the most notable pictures and memes but I will add them in another post in the future.
I, and everyone else I guess, will appreciate any more additions to the sites or any ideas that would help put some sense in people who have not yet been vaccinated but they consider it in the future... Thank you for all the ideas on this project and I will pass them along to people who will use them to make the proper pictures/memes.
Stay tuned for the next projects. The whole idea is to act as a group in order to make a greater difference towards the destination that we want. Love prevails at the end.
heres another example :
so heres a little mockup i did in about 20 mins, to give you a very rough idea. i wasn't being too serious so it might look like satire, but just imagine real facts etc.. keep in mind , I did this in 20 mins, so if youre worried about quality, just know that.
Maybe some type of infographic to show the money inflows from pharma to old media like television and social media fb ig etc.
Ohhhhh, great suggestion!!! Keep it up, please!
Great ideas, thanks for that!!! Please, keep it coming!
You have that video in Russia of someone being taken out on a stretcher after being jabbed? I can’t find the link to it. I know I saved it somewhere.
Any other similar links would be useful. I want to get them to someone in Russia who is trying to convince people there to not get the jab.
Sorry, don't have that one.
I would like a collection of vaccine side effect pics, the more gruesome the better.
I don't have Telegram but I hear there is a great list there of images, video and detail of COVID vax side effects.
I definitely agree but I was hoping for something that was so clear that any uneducated person will understand it. This example is only supporting the knowledge of people already against Biden. Still, I will keep it and make a database for these examples and any others. I appreciate the help!!! If anything else comes to mind, I would appreciate your share! :)
This post is now archived in the wiki under "stickied submissions"
Replying here so it is visible. (Sorry, clemaneuverers - no spam).
I've recently found several places that constantly post great pictures and memes to be freely used for whatever purpose we see fit. I post them here so they are visible and you can use them to spread the word. I am making a database in free sites for the most notable pictures and memes but I will add them in another post in the future.
I, and everyone else I guess, will appreciate any more additions to the sites or any ideas that would help put some sense in people who have not yet been vaccinated but they consider it in the future... Thank you for all the ideas on this project and I will pass them along to people who will use them to make the proper pictures/memes.
Stay tuned for the next projects. The whole idea is to act as a group in order to make a greater difference towards the destination that we want. Love prevails at the end.
Great initiative! Here are some ideas for infographics:
Risk benefit angle:
Show some background on Vax tech, establish that we are in a worldwide phase 3 clinical trial - maybe even comparing decades to century old safety data vs this new emergency use rushed in bs (with negligent trials as per the recent wistleblower from Pfizer).
Try to make it clear to the audience about the actual risks of Covid and how you basically have to be 80yrs old with comorbidities / obese to increase your likelihood of badtimes beyond the chance of winning 10k in a scratchy.
Show some graphs/counts of adverse reactions in the vigiaccess.com, openvaers.com, https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html (there's a lot of stuff that just won't mix with 'safe and effective') - could also pinch adverse reaction stories from that WXYZ-tv channel 7 facebook covid post, few decent ones floating about on the tubes.
The jab doesn't stop you getting it, nor stop you spreading it and has had no impact on covid-19 population wide infection levels - it just attenuates the symptoms making you feel like you don't have it (and potentially making it spread more because people don't know they've got it/are sharing it) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8481107/
Bad Pharma angle:
There have been several stories recently about Pfizer bullying South American countries into signing over military installations, diplomatic buildings etc as collateral - as well as taking responsibility for adverse reactions and giving Pfizer immunity from responsibility/litigation (would you trust your health to a company that refuses to stand by their product?)
Pfizer have been slapped with some 2bn in fines in the recent past, they're also projected to earn 35bn since this began, meanwhile Moderna has minted a bunch of new Forbes top 400 richest types in America. (Pretty sure it won't be hard to dig up more misconduct)
Seeing as they're admitting myocarditis, do an infographic showing just how rare this is among young healthy people, how fucked up one's prognosis is for having it, and just how prevalent it is as an adverse event. https://archive.md/0CMuz (in an Aus paper, they linked 60 cases of it to Pfizer directly and claim that 6.7 cases in 100,000 people is an acceptably rare risk)
I saw a post yesterday about Jacinta Arden (NZ's PM) having a networth of 800k before the pandemic, and shooting up to 25 mill on a ~400k salary - shit like this would look amazing juxtaposed next to stories of the little guys having their shit pushed in by the economic shutdown. Highly skilled and motivated people being refused employment because they won't join in this global phase 3 trial necessitating the importation of immigrants to fill in a manufactured gap.
Great ideas!!! Thanks a lot for this!
Now, this will require a lot of work to find the tables but I am up for it. It will be definitive work - specific numbers that we can easily quote from public sources.
Alright, I currently see this as a case-by-case picture of the examples you've provided as the main focus will be the data and conclusions to be drawn from it. Do you see it any other way? Perhaps a type of picture or a meme that will contain several or perhaps all of them? Any more ideas are welcome, if you have. These are great and will definitely be used! Thanks a lot for the sources and sites, I need such kind of a database and I am sure many more will appreciate it!
Pleasure. Yeah there's a lot of different things that could be done. If I had the skills to make these, I'd be making them in a way to get accross the main point of several related articles, with qr codes/urls for people to see the papers / memoryholed msm clips / buried news articles themselves.
For example, stories like these:
might go well with stuff like:
https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00648-4 (same transmission indoors between jab/unjab with same initial viral loads, the jabbed just return to baseline a little quicker)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8481107/ (pop % jabbed is not correlated with number of cases as we'd expect if the jabs were effective)
So in that concept, we're sticking to showing examples of jabs meaning nothing for the spread. Then say, in another one we could go for something along the lines of 'Does Pfizer really have your kids best interests at heart?' or 'Can we really trust Pfizer?'
then hit em with stuff like
http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2635 (whistleblower on data integrity issues in Pfizer trial - yuge)
the key bits of info from the above should shatter the 'Pfizer just wants whats best for our health'
etc etc. Sorry for the formatting but yeah I hope that gets the idea accross.
That's all great suggestions!!! Pretty sure we can gather a group that would discuss these topics and be more active than the comments here. I am thinking of something solid at the moment and will get back to you. However, feel free to contact any user here who comment that they are good with photoshop or else.
I've also found some groups with good artists and memes that would be of great use for this project. Just want to make sure I present the next idea in the best way.