posted ago by dontkillmehillary ago by dontkillmehillary +9 / -1

This forum is becoming pretty disappointing. It’s pretty much degenerated into a handful of users posting a few links, comment sections full of members agreeing with each other or spitefully commenting on some bullshit element of a post. The remainder of people on this board appear to be functionally retarded, glowsticks, and probably a few Chinese observers making sure the threads manipulate in the direction that best suits their government guidelines for the day.

It’s not just on this forum, of course. It’s everywhere and not just confined to the internet but also the real world too. Those of us aware and intelligent enough to see what’s going on around us bemoan our sad little situations. We get together and bitch and whine about how bad things are getting. We complain about lockdowns, mandates, the international situation, and find ourselves without any avenues of relief.

Now, the latest calamity that is being spoon fed to us is mounting inflation and logistics delays. Housing prices are skyrocketing as wealthy Chinese nationals buy up homes in North America and let them sit empty. Real Estate investment firms and banks have jumped on the Asian bandwagon and are snapping up the remaining real estate, sight unseen, while the average American scrambles to save enough money for a mortgage down payment as they try to feed their kids with food that is 30% more expensive and gas that has doubled in prince since January.

We all know what’s causing this. We, on forums such as this, are more aware than others that a slithering network of foreign interests and their domestic enablers are manipulating every element of our lives in order to enrich themselves and enslave a people whose labor and innovation have built the wealthiest and most free nation states the world has ever witnessed. And yet, here we are, watching it ripped out of our hands against our collective will and the best we can muster is a bunch of memes and bitchy comments on a mostly ignored internet forum.

We know the voting system is broken. Despite all of us knowing that the vote is the most important and vital element to a free and functional democracy, we’ve watched firsthand the system become corrupted and diseased while those corrupting that system instruct the media to tell us everything is perfectly fine. Here and elsewhere all I hear is, “Well, there isn’t much more I can do!”.

Seriously? The best people can manage is to post whiney memes and link new articles about their sad little situation? How long is that going to last? How much longer will you be allowed to link your articles and post your complains on the internet before YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, or any one of Googles monopolized services before someone with blue hair and a Communist party membership decides that what you think no longer has a right to be shared within the public forum?

What can you do?

How about you get off your ass and do anything other than the same thing you have been doing which has given you no results except pats on the back from people who agree with you?

How about you talk to your friends and family and -make them understand-? “But I’ve tried that, and we always argue!” Or “They make fun of me!” Or “They won’t talk to me anymore!” Or “I don’t have time for those Libtards” Or “They just walk away…”

Maybe change the approach then. You’ve probably realized at this point that every discussion goes from 0-100 on the rage scale whenever this shit is brought up. That can’t be by accident. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s part of the conditioning we’ve been subjected to on the 24hr / day news cycle since the Smith-Mundt Act was reaffirmed by Obama in 2012.

So with that knowledge, head out into the wild and violate the fuck out of Social Distance guidelines and talk face to face with people with the understanding that they have been conditioned as much as you have, and make a point of compassion and understanding. It will feel weird, I guarantee you, because it flies in the face of all of our state sponsored conditioning. The act of understanding undermines what people have been taught, and it opens the door for free discussion.

Maybe you don’t have the intellectual acuity to make arguments.

Then put up a goddamned sticker and shove your memes into the face of every brain dead mother fucker at every bus stop in America.

Drop some print outs of VAERs data at the mall.

Quit fucking complying with mandates.

Join a fuckin protest (if you can find them). You can even sit on your fat ass and do this from a car now.

Put a sign on your lawn.

Tell your kids to object to every socialist inspired education tactic shoved down their throats on a daily basis as they sit prisoner to someone who could not get a better degree than one in education.

When you are standing in line at the local farmers market because Walmart doesn’t have fruit on the shelves anymore, talk to those around you and let them know you are as pissed off about this as they are and that you think they too should get off their ass and do something. Anything.

Talk to your pastor and ask him why he remains silent while Churches are being fenced off and pastors are arrested on highways.

Talk to your police officers and ask if they think its ok what’s happening in Australia and what they plan to do when they are instructed to do the same things.

Confront your doctor and ask why the fuck they are silent as they force untested vaccines onto 10-year-old children.

Call your radio station and demand an explanation as to why they refuse to allow dissenting opinions on radio talk show which brag about free speech.


Do. Fucking. Anything.

Because your memes and links and fun comments aren’t doing shit.

If you are still too fat, lazy, or plain stupid to get off of your ass, you need to ask yourself – “What is it going to take?” What is the line that you won’t cross? When are you finally going to join the rest of us and let us know you are on our team and not helping those trying to fuck you through pure inaction?

For me, I’ve been at this for a year. I’ve managed to help a few people get their brains working, but it’s not moving fast enough and now I have to write this long ass thing which most of you won’t bother reading in hopes that I might motivate one or two more of you to do something.

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." -Samuel Adams