Okay, while we can all agree the vaccine is stupid, and horrible, and it's morally wrong to force it on people....but those who think it's a deliberate population kill off scheme keep pushing the timeline back of when the dying will actually start. Mark my words, March will come and go and the death rate will be like it is now.
If anything, there will be all sorts of infertility problems for the vaxxed. But that's another issue.
I think it’s more likely that the mass killing off, or mass adverse reactions of some kind, will come eventually in one of the boosters. The initial shots could be mostly about gauging how many people will comply with restrictions and mandates. Now they know it’s about 70%. Then force the 30% who do not follow orders (your resistance, the dangerous people who think for themselves and examine multiple viewpoints) out of society.
I’ve thought for a while too though that the shots and the boosters are meant to supplant our immune system and degrade it, such as what’s described it OP’s article, to make us dependent on more boosters for life. Free guaranteed cash flow from 70% of the population indefinitely for the vaccine manufacturers and their investors.
Okay, while we can all agree the vaccine is stupid, and horrible, and it's morally wrong to force it on people....but those who think it's a deliberate population kill off scheme keep pushing the timeline back of when the dying will actually start. Mark my words, March will come and go and the death rate will be like it is now.
If anything, there will be all sorts of infertility problems for the vaxxed. But that's another issue.
I think it’s more likely that the mass killing off, or mass adverse reactions of some kind, will come eventually in one of the boosters. The initial shots could be mostly about gauging how many people will comply with restrictions and mandates. Now they know it’s about 70%. Then force the 30% who do not follow orders (your resistance, the dangerous people who think for themselves and examine multiple viewpoints) out of society.
I’ve thought for a while too though that the shots and the boosters are meant to supplant our immune system and degrade it, such as what’s described it OP’s article, to make us dependent on more boosters for life. Free guaranteed cash flow from 70% of the population indefinitely for the vaccine manufacturers and their investors.