FYI, what we know as "Jews" are the direct descendants of the pharisees/edomites, hence me referring to them in this way. Their impostor name is to be discarded, as they are not Judahites, not part of Israel, nor do they have any claim on the country by the name, or any country, except peharps Tyria/Phoenicia/Babylon, and Dan's territory perhaps.
They are jews alright, no denying it. But generally speaking, the more I read I am starting to get the feeling that our parasites are just some sort of Mafia, you know the same way how in Sicily all Mafia members are family related.
That's why, if you dig their family relations, you are always bound to find some criminal connection or hint.
Agreed. Montefiore, thanks a new name to look up.
FYI, what we know as "Jews" are the direct descendants of the pharisees/edomites, hence me referring to them in this way. Their impostor name is to be discarded, as they are not Judahites, not part of Israel, nor do they have any claim on the country by the name, or any country, except peharps Tyria/Phoenicia/Babylon, and Dan's territory perhaps.
Montefiore translates as Blumberg, by the way. Just saying. Sounds ashkenazi already.
They are jews alright, no denying it. But generally speaking, the more I read I am starting to get the feeling that our parasites are just some sort of Mafia, you know the same way how in Sicily all Mafia members are family related.
That's why, if you dig their family relations, you are always bound to find some criminal connection or hint.
They have very pure bloodlines, like no people on earth. They are therefore by definition more related than any group.