I remember Marilyn Manson saying something once in regards to fans dressing like him. It isn't a direct quote or anything, but he said something like fans dressing like him are missing the point of his message of individualism. Even if the artist is genuine with their message, a marketing firm will capitalize on that message and sell those ideas as fashion statements. Rage my very well have started with pure intentions, but that stopped mattering very quickly.
Spot on. Like fashion "punks".
I remember Marilyn Manson saying something once in regards to fans dressing like him. It isn't a direct quote or anything, but he said something like fans dressing like him are missing the point of his message of individualism. Even if the artist is genuine with their message, a marketing firm will capitalize on that message and sell those ideas as fashion statements. Rage my very well have started with pure intentions, but that stopped mattering very quickly.