So you seem rational, tell me what you think of my perspective.
Covid - Sars virus with a spike protein targeting ace2 receptors. A naturally resistant person can kill the virus quickly preventing further replication and less spikes binding to ace2. Less inflammation and lower load in immune system. Older/unhealthy people take longer to fight it off, more replication more spikes.
Vaccine - no virus to fight. Body produces the spike protein itself and immune response is to the spike bonding to ace2, but there is no replication to slow. The body will create the spikes as long as the mRNA is available (guessing 2 weeks).
So you seem rational, tell me what you think of my perspective.
Covid - Sars virus with a spike protein targeting ace2 receptors. A naturally resistant person can kill the virus quickly preventing further replication and less spikes binding to ace2. Less inflammation and lower load in immune system. Older/unhealthy people take longer to fight it off, more replication more spikes.
Vaccine - no virus to fight. Body produces the spike protein itself and immune response is to the spike bonding to ace2, but there is no replication to slow. The body will create the spikes as long as the mRNA is available (guessing 2 weeks).