This is something that has been bugging me. We see plenty of studies reporting covid related deaths for vaxed/unvaxed. What I'm not able to find is any study reporting deaths unrelated to covid for vaxed/unvaxed.
I believe it's important since the current reporting is never going to blame the vax for increases in death, but it isn't exactly something they'll be able to easily hide from anyone with the ability to compare the two.
Is anyone able to find this information?
I couldn't find anything useful which is why I posed the question.
The question for me is: Is the covid vaccine dangerous?
The answer thus far is: No, because those deaths 28 days after vax are unrelated.
Ok then, a better indicator would be to not care about cause of death and see if there is a correlation between those who took the vax and overall mortality ignoring underlying co-morbitities and start with a Yes/No answer. Yes/No the vax appears to increase/not increase the chance of death as compared to the unvaxxed when deaths attributed to covid are removed from the equation.
It seems to me that this would be a no brainer and would answer a let of questions and belay many fears people have about the vax. That we don't have this data and an answer to that question does, to me, point to it being problematic for those who want us to take the vax.
I don’t have the sauce off hand but I’ve confirmed that “breakthrough infections” are not attributed to the “vaccine” if they occur within two weeks after completing the injection schedule. That’s fucked up because almost all “covid” “vaccine” adverse events including deaths occur within 2 days after completing the schedule. I’ll find link.
“Defining a vaccine breakthrough infection
For the purpose of this surveillance, a vaccine breakthrough infection is defined as the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after they have completed all recommended doses of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.”