posted ago by Xaviermgk ago by Xaviermgk +8 / -1

I mean, they aren't too subtle.

I have more to add, but The Ocean Elders were featured on some conspiracy posts in the past.

Angry Birds 2 (ya, I know), has an in-game promo dealing with ocean preservation. A game-wide effort to pop 7 billion pigs in ten days. I clicked on further info (because Angry Birds 2 has had similar promotions sponsored by the UN, no joke), and it led me to

That website is sponsored by the UN and "The Ocean Agency", which is more or less the public face for the Ocean Elders, a ragtag group of "elite" that banded together for aquatic endeavors. Includes a LOT of goofy names...Richard Branson, Bob Weir...many suspect individuals.

I really think it's tied in to the elite's control of islands. Perhaps even the Phoenicians...but that's further down the rabbit hole.

BTW, the promo of popping 7 billion pigs awfully sounds like human depopulation.

Lotta weirdness to this one.