posted ago by Phoenix_Particle ago by Phoenix_Particle +7 / -2

To begin, I know there are seasoned 911 truthers that would quickly dismiss the notion that there were no planes hitting the towers, and I understand perfectly, after all:

You, along with millions of people worldwide were exposed to the footage countless times in your life; be it on TV, or on YouTube when you began to do your research.

NIST and other and other agencies/documentaries debated you on all fronts, and you disagreed with all their explanations rightfully so. Nonetheless, I've come to tell that you didn't disagree enough, there's still a higher level of deception surrounding. This PsyOp was so well made and cemented on the reality that questioning the planes was deemed "nuts" by Truthers and Conspiracists alike.

Then we have all the testimonies and interviews of people on TV shows, documentaries, and civilians that day claiming they saw aircraft into the buildings. One couldn't possibly entertain the idea that they all had false testimony to further an agenda on purpose right? Particularly about an event known by all corners on earth with plenty of video "evidence" to back it up.

Well, it was never like that. All MSM live feeds were compromised that day: What you saw were digital assents layered on top of the video feed. And yes, all the famous "amateur" Cam-Corder videos that surfaced after the attacks were digitally edited as well, as you will see the owners of those videos had all backgrounds working in the film and entertainment industries.

Septemberclues, Main siteMain site I encourage you to give it a read if you need to digest the info at a slower pace.

Video Exposee, Breakdown below with timestamps

4:35 to 8:00 minute mark

The shot starts with a zoomed-out view of the towers, notice how there's no airplane coming in from the right side.

Camera close-up, a "plane" that should've been seen when the camera was panning over the horizon, enters the frame and goes effortlessly into the towers, so much in fact that the plane's nose comes out clean on the other side. It appears it cut through steel and concrete as if they were butter, no physical model on earth would allow this to happen.. unless of course what you and millions of people saw was CGI imagery layered on top of the live feed.

According to the Video Exposee, the cameraman couldn't keep the camera still on the reference grid used to project the CGI assets, resulting in the 'plane' showing up on the other side unscathed.

11:30 onwards - The "Matrix" shot, used on all evening news reports. All Matrix shots had:

Different plane trajectories (yes, for the same plane)

Shared the same digital references on the towers

Different backgrounds and color saturation while framing the towers at the same angle

Towers' shots are cropped out and airplanes are inserted in the editing room

These shots had all the same view of the Towers edited comically bad for today's standards, however, it was more than enough to fool the world 20 years ago.

Minute 27:00, Sound forgeries across multiple tapes

Minute 42:00, synching of live feeds and irregularities

Minute 47:00, all MSM networks present different color saturation for footage that was supposedly taken on a sunny NYC morning. Also, static backgrounds and "Mask Edges"

Minute 52:15, breakdown of Amateur street-level footage. All filmed and edited by industry professionals

I just highlighted the most revealing parts, but do watch it all. If this is your first time encountering this theory I can relate to how it feels. I used to believe there were actually planes not too long ago.

And now after having seen how the greatest PsyOp in history was made, I'll show you this:

These are about the only videos that weren't tampered with, and yes, they show no planes.

Rarely seen private video, 'plane' should've come the left and crashed into the tower side facing us

This one too

But how come there are so few unedited videos?

Allegedly, EMP disruptors rendered most electronics useless for a period of time

On top of that, let's remember all pedestrians who first reported bombs and detonations on multiple floors... And WTC 7 of course.