Let's band together here, what say you to finding alternative ways to avoid the corporate monsters? Seriously fighting the 'man' in real time with real progress? If the american mandate is focused on business' 100 people and over, then what is stopping us from finding small shops to support? What can be gained from leaving the mass consuming mechanism? I think we can do this and I think it can really make a difference. Perhaps we can add shops that we know but I havent figured out how to do that without revealing what I consider personal type info so this may have to be on the ground type stuff. (We should get radios) We need to be social and find these ways to shop and feed ourselves without bowing down to mandates. That is how we make this hurt them a bit and really show our power. ( this isnt about money) Let the corporations fall like domino in their deceitful schemes. We can be the gravity. Your thoughts are very welcome as I haven't formulated very much yet. Just feeling the need for somekind of resistance guys. Thanks.
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Each of us represents ONE seed within ALL reality; and we need to grow ourselves; which would automatically cause the need for unity with those around us. This system requires each ONE to react by choice to balance within ALL for the sustenance of self.
The few suggest us SOCI'ETY, noun [Latin societas, from socius, a companion.] to deceive ONE to seek another ONE for the sustenance of ONEself aka dependency to other choice; when choice represents independence within dependency to balance aka "free" will of choice within the "dom"-inance of balance. As choice we represent a reaction to balance; and our parasitic few suggest us to ignore balance for the suggested choices of others; which causes the many united within ignorance under the few exploiting them through suggestion.
Society (aka the beast system) suggests to many to seek "progress"; meanwhile as form (life) within flow (inception towards death) we are progressing towards death; hence the need for self sustenance by reaction to balance. Life is not about outcomes; but about balancing by free will of choice.
Don't try to mimic the suggested society by others by trying to keep it smaller; instead learn/teach yourself to comprehend the system underneath that establishes offer/consent aka balance/choice aka flow/form aka loss/growth aka energy. The few not only comprehend it; they exploit the ignorance of the many ruthlessly within it.