Alright, I’ll Start: If you own a company of 100 or more employees, splinter your company. Shell company with wholly owned subsidiaries. If it’s a family business owned by you, here’s the workaround, as an example:
Owner’s company now has 99 employees. Owner’s wife’s new company has 99 emlployees. Owner’s brother’s new company has 99 employees...
And so on.
There’s also the “independent contractor” schtick where you give your former employees 1099s and say they own themselves as a company and are contracting work to you. They pay more in income taxes because they are a business owner, and they pay both halves of the employment tax, but whatever.
Any CPA’s and accountants feel free to weigh in...
We will fight this fight using legal instruments, courts, and our brains... any other ideas?
Well hopefully you people have been listening to Dave Ramsey and have 6 months of emergency fund. Hold out, make the company fire you. Then take the emergency fund and either use it until you find a job at a based small company or use the funds to start your own business. Learn how to homestead, move to a smaller less expensive house, sell your car and get an older less expensive car, now is the time to live the life you want free of tyranny!
The main thing is companies need employees more than most people need their jobs right now, truly. So take advantage of this moment in time while you still can.
Fuck, i’ve been fucking listening to Gordon Goddamn Ramsey in-fucking stead!!! Dammit, i’m a shit for brains!! (But i can cook and cuss quite well)