Things to consider:
- Clean water.
- Reliable food source after stocked food runs out.
- Rudimentary vitamin and minerals stocked, books for your geographic location that shows potential herbs that could be used medicinally.
- Communications, Ham, back up power, renewable energy.
- Would you consider liberating concentration camps? (Talking about this likely puts me near the top of the list)
- You’ve studied intelligence a lot of your life if you’re here, can you accurately use their techniques to liberate these camps?
- During a post collapse scenario, the more isolated and north you are, the better. That’s if you can survive those conditions. It’ll be absolute mayhem closer to the south you go especially more densely populated areas.
- The ocean is typically the best place to get food from, although sometimes dangerous.
- Stacking silver, although I do think there’s gonna be an FF directed at NYSE and the Federal reserve. They’ll ban silver outright but it’s a great commodity, always has been. Say in a post collapse society, truthers had enough silver to build a bank backed by it, an economy can be started immediately around it. There would need to be absolute measures taken to prevent globalist infiltration and sabotage.
Any other things to consider? List is in no particular order.
Communications: Farraday bag with walkie talkies inside, whistles, flags and handsignals are good too, have a morse code sheet thats laminated. You can use flashlights to communicate too. With morse or colors... There used to be these periscope-shaped flashlights at the Military surplus store that had different color filters/lenses that you could screw on the end. Definitely want a multiple band radio— as many bands as possible... keep that bitch in a farraday bag, too.
They are relatively inexpensive on amazon and ebay, but i’ve heard (but not confirmed) you can do a sheet of aluminum foil and then paper towel and then a sheet of aluminum foil then a sheet of paper towel... and do like 4 alternating layers of each. Another trick is If you bury your electronics a few feet deep an EMP probably won’t affect it.
Put a mobile phone inside and call it / text. Stream audio from it. If any radio signals get through, it won't survive an EMP.