I can't reconcile this: if the vaccine is nefarious in nature, why is the state of Israel at the forefront of adopting it?
The powers that steer the world are Jewish: media, government, business...thus it would make sense that if this vaccine were nefarious then the state of Israel would be excluded from it due to the link between Israel and the rulers of the world....but the opposite is true.
So why is Israel adopting the vaccine?
I think the same reason Jews in the US typically vote Democrat while Republicans tend to defend and side with Jews in Israel. I don’t quite understand this but I chalk it up to jews around the world are not the same as Jews that are native Israelis.
Maybe that the globalist Jews think that the native Jews can act as some sort of Pied Piper to the defenders of Israel. Who knows? Anyhoo, If the Israelis want to be the worlds guinea pigs, I don’t mind.
Every Florida Jew i know is a devout republican. DEVOUT. Are you talking about New York and California Jews? Of course they’re gonna vote for the D, but I don’t know if it has anything to do with being Jewish.
Thanks for your input. I live in an area where there are not many Jews. My impression has been that they vote mostly Dem.
My impression has been based from what I have seen over the last 30-40 years. Either I have been wrong, or there has been a shift the last half dozen years or so.
They do, right wing Jews are absolutely the minority.
Just like how the majority of Jews observe the Talmud as their top literature, and not the Torah/old testament.
So judeochristian values are a myth for 80% of Jews. The Talmud is overtly anti Christian.
Even within these Jews can be left or right wing.
Yeah, i’d guess a lot of Jewish small business owners and Wall Street’rs probably vote R, And those that work for the government or in entertainment vote D. Who knows. I don’t trust any of these surveys, polls, exit poll numbers anymore... at all.