Other than this, I can't even find a single thread discussing this major removal.
It's truly incredible that the /r/conspiracy user base puts up with this extreme level of insanity and psychosis being actively curated and maintained by the reddit status quo and the current /r/con mod team.
The "mod log" has been down for a year, all stickies have stopped, there are no more featured documentaries, round tables, or AMAs. Was I singlehandedly keeping that place afloat? Seems so.
THANK GOD the admins removed me...it was the biggest favor they could've ever given me. I would not in good conscience be able to participate in such abject lunacy, so I'm beyond glad I got out when I did.
I'll bite. Venezuela?
I was thinking about the Italy one I believe, or the 40,000 embarrassing Powell posts.
How about you just address this instead:
I've never ever seen another mod post the same thing 5 times in the same day. Deleting the previous post when it got not traction, banning any dissenters, and posting it again.
I may have been the single most harassed, brigaded and threatened mod in the history of reddit.
Let's take your comment at face value as if it were 100% true, even though you have no metrics on it.
Have a moment of reflection and ask yourself why.
Is it because of a grand conspiracy against you, or maybe is it because of how people perceive your actions, like when you used to post bait, ban dissenters, delete your post and repost it 5 times in the same day.
Or when you'd sticky your own posts, like that 100% bullshit Italy post.
We could see the comments you removed in the mod logs dude, many only disagreed with your post, or called out right wing propaganda.
You keep claiming it's all the same shills, but you'd have to be an admin to have access to that data. So how many real people got hit with your cut?
I know I did for a very bland comment.